Insect Physiology Research Papers/Topics

Ontogenetic responses of physiological fitness in Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in response to repeated cold exposure

Abstract: In this era of global climate change, intrinsic rapid and evolutionary responses of invasive agricultural pests to thermal variability are of concern given the potential implications on their biogeography and dire consequences on human food security. For insects, chill coma recovery time (CCRT) and critical thermal minima (CTmin ), the point at which neuromuscu-lar coordination is lost following cold exposure, remain good indices for cold tolerance. Using laboratory-reared Spodopte...

Antennal Enriched Odorant Binding Proteins Are Required for Odor Communication in Glossina f. fuscipes

Abstract: Olfaction is orchestrated at different stages and involves various proteins at each step.For example, odorant-binding proteins (OBPs) are soluble proteins found in sensillum lymph that might encounter odorants before reaching the odorant receptors. In tsetse flies, the function of OBPs in olfaction is less understood. Here, we investigated the role of OBPs in Glossina fuscipes fuscipes olfaction, the main vector of sleeping sickness, using multidisciplinary approaches. Our tissue e...

Towards early response to desert locust swarming in eastern Africa by estimating timing of hatching

Abstract: Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) plagues threaten agricultural production, food security and the environment across Africa, the Middle East, and Southwest Asia. Control methods targeting adult desert locusts present significant challenges and financial costs. Recognizing this, we developed a ground-breaking fuzzy set Mamdani type inference model that provides an innovative solution for early warning alerts. The model aids in predicting the juvenile stages of locust development...

The butterfly Danaus chrysippus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Kenya is Variably Infected with Respect to Genotype and Body Size by a Maternally Transmitted Male-killing Endosymbiont (Spiropla

Abstract: Female-biased sex ratios in Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus) (family Nymphalidae, subfamily Danainae, tribe Danaini) populations are attributed to the action of an endosymbiotic ‘male-killer’ bacterium of the genus Spiroplasma. In stark contrast to the extensive geographic range of their host, the Spiroplasma appears to be restricted to East Africa, where four African D. chrysippus subspecies exist sympatrically and form a hybrid zone. In this study, specimens collected at three sa...

Stingless Bees in Kenya.

Abstract: The Commercial Insects Projector the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology, Icipe is investigating beekeeping with stingless bees, meliponiculture....(continue from the attached pdf)

Novel cross-stage Solitarising effect of Gregarious-phase adult desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria (Forska˚ l)) pheromone on hoppers

Abstract: Previous studies had demonstrated stage differentiation in the cohesion (aggregation) pheromone systems of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. In laboratory arena, the nymphal and adult stages responded aggregatively to their own pheromone, but dispersed evenly within the arena in the presence of the other. In the present study, we explored the effects of longer-term contact of field gregarious hopper bands and laboratory crowd-reared nymphs with the major constituent of the ...

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