Insect Physiology Research Papers/Topics

Behavioral Responses of Pyrethroid Resistant and Susceptible Anopheles Gambiae Mosquitoes to Insecticide Treated Bed Net

Abstract/Overview Long-lasting insecticidal nets are an effective tool in reducing malaria transmission. However, with increasing insecticide resistance little is known about how physiologically resistant malaria vectors behave around a human-occupied bed net, despite their importance in malaria transmission. We used the Mbita bednet trap to assess the host-seeking behavior of insecticide-resistant Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes under semi-field conditions. The trap incorporates a mosquito ...

Gametocytemia and Attractiveness of Plasmodium falciparum–Infected Kenyan Children to Anopheles gambiae Mosquitoes

Abstract/Overview It has been suggested that Plasmodia manipulate their vertebrate hosts to enhance parasite transmission. Using a dual-choice olfactometer, we investigated the attraction of Anopheles gambiae to 50 Kenyan children (aged 5–12 years) who were naturally infected with Plasmodium falciparum or non-infected controls. Microscopic gametocyte carriers attracted almost 2 times more mosquitoes than children who were parasite free, harboured asexual stages, or had gametocytes at su...

Evaluation of Textile Substrates for Dispensing Synthetic Attractants for Malaria Mosquitoes

Abstract/Overview The full-scale impact of odour-baited technology on the surveillance, sampling and control of vectors of infectious diseases is partly limited by the lack of methods for the efficient and sustainable dispensing of attractants. In this study we investigated whether locally-available and commonly used textiles are efficient substrates for the release of synthetic odorant blends attracting malaria mosquitoes. METHODS The relative efficacy of (a) polyester, (b) cotton, (c) c...

2-Butanone as a Carbon Dioxide Mimic in Attractant Blends for the Afrotropical Malaria Mosquitoes Anopheles Gambiae and Anopheles Funestus

Abstract/Overview Most odour baits designed to attract host-seeking mosquitoes contain carbon dioxide (CO2), which enhances trap catches, given its role as a mosquito flight activator. However, the use of CO2 is expensive and logistically demanding for prolonged area-wide use. METHODS: This study explored the possibility of replacing organically-produced CO2 with 2-butanone in odour blends targeting host-seeking malaria mosquitoes. During semi-field and field experiments MM-X traps were b...

Development and Optimization of the Suna Trap as A Tool for Mosquito Monitoring and Control.

Abstract/Overview Monitoring of malaria vector populations provides information about disease transmission risk, as well as measures of the effectiveness of vector control. The Suna trap is introduced and evaluated with regard to its potential as a new, standardized, odour-baited tool for mosquito monitoring and control. METHODS Dual-choice experiments with female Anopheles gambiae sensu lato in a laboratory room and semi-field enclosure, were used to compare catch rates of odour-baited S...

Indigenous knowledge on host tree preference of the wild edible Gynanisa maja (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) matches with the laboratory test results in western Zambia

Abstract/Overview Gynanisa maja is an edible caterpillar and contributes significantly towards household food security. The linkage between indigenous and scientific knowledge influencing G. maja forage preference is not yet clear, and therefore the study aimed at determining this linkage regarding host preferences for G.maja in western Zambia. A household survey was conducted to determine people’s perception on the most preferred host plants and in order to compare with the laboratory ...

Edible Crickets (Orthoptera) Around the World: Distribution, Nutritional Value, and Other Benefits—A Review

Abstract/Overview Edible crickets are among the praised insects that are gaining recognition as human food and livestock feed with a potential of contributing to food security and reduction of malnutrition. Globally, the sustainable use of crickets as food or feed is undermined by lack of information on the number of the edible crickets, the country where they are consumed, and the developmental stages consumed. Furthermore, lack of data on their nutritional content and the potential risk...