Environmental Resource Planning Research Papers/Topics

Cost benefit analysis of different energy sources used in public secondary schools in Mtito Andei Division, Makueni County

Abstract: Energy affects all aspects of development: social, economic and environmental, including livelihoods, access to water, agricultural productivity, health, population levels and education. Public schools spend a lot of money every year on energy bills. Currently, they are experiencing an exponential increase in student enrolment which puts more pressure on energy needs. This study focuses on cost benefit analysis of different energy sources used in public secondary schools in Mtito A...

Mapping Air Quality Levels in Jos Urban Area of Plateau State, Nigeria.

Abstract This research is aimed at mapping Air quality levels in Jos metropolis. The research made use of data collected by the use of structured questionnaires. Solid waste constitute the highest source of air pollution with 43.72% followed by automobile with 31.69% from the research. In mapping the air quality levels, air quality metre was used in taking measurements of the air quality index (AQI). Fourteen locations in the study area were measured. Generally, the air quality of Jos is eith...

An Assessment Of Environmental Impacts Of Stone Quarryng Activities In Nyambera Location Kisii County

ABSTRACT Kenya is a growing economy and it is in the list of third world countries what is commonly referred to as developing countries. As a result of this its poor-rich gap keeps on growing as a result of the high stone quarrying and its impacts on the environment by able investors and as research indicates 4 out of every 5 Kenyans live in rural areas and this may clearly imply that most of the rural folk live in high poverty levels. To sought out this problem of high poverty levels researc...

Impacts Of The Southern Bypass Road Construction Through Ngong Forest On The African Crowned Eagle, Nairobi County

ABSTRACT Forests have numerous economic, social and ecological values. In Kenya most of the forests form vital water catchments for rivers among other ecological services as well as providing a habitat for numerous species of animals. Ngong Forest is an urban forest in Nairobi County that has a wide variety of flora species and serves as a habitat to various animals including birds such as the African Crowned Eagle. This research project aimed at finding out the challenges facing the African...

Impact of Residential Development on Urban Wetlands: The Case of Watiti Wetland, Kangemi Estate, Nairobi County.

ABSTRACT The UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment determined that environmental degradation is more prominent within wetland systems than any other ecosystem on Earth. Increase in population in urban areas has led to pressures within urban wetland ecosystems. Urbanization has also contributed to the degradation of the Watiti wetland ecosystem. Some of the impacts of such activities include; direct habitat loss (from development, land reclamation, roads, in-stream dredging), altered water regime...

Enforcement and Compliance on Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Industries in Thika municipality, Kiambu County.

ABSRTACT Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. The goal of occupational health and safety programmes is to foster a safe and healthy work environment. As secondary effects, OSH may also protect coworkers, family members, employers, customers, suppliers, nearby communities, and other members of the public who are impacted by the workplace environment as well as reduce m...

An Assessment Of Changes In Tree Density And Diversity On Smallholder Farms Along Nigeria-Niger Border

ABSTRACT This study assessed changes in tree density and diversity on smallholder farms along Nigeria-Niger border. The study draws attention to the importance of the tree and the changes of tree grown on the smallholder farms in the border region. The study also assessed the knowledge of local farmers on tree changes and the method they use to tackle the changes in tree diversity. The study area is in the sand region which experiences little rainfall and a high temperature, therefore, droug...