Security Research Papers/Topics

Terrorism: A Threat to Security and Human Existence

Terrorism attracted a lot of attention in recent year. Many theories have been  developed by scholars to explain terrorism, its causes, while people resort to extreme violence to make their point. This paper examines some selected theories that could help us gain insight into terrorism and various activities associated with it. One of the major recommendation made by this paper is that terrorism  as a global issue require  increased global attention. There must be concerted effort from bo...

Community Security Self-Help Initiative: A Panacea for Food Sustainability and Grassroot Development in Nigeria

Abstract The research study examines the impact of community security self-help initiative and food security for grassroot development sustainability. Community self-help initiative is not a novel enterprise in communities in Nigeria as evidence abounds of how communities magnificently organized themselves in constructing roads, building bridges, schools, farmland assistance and neighbourhood watchdog to each other. The population of study is 351,865 from residence of Ikole, Efon and Emure lo...

Leadership Crisis and the Challenges of Ungoverned Spaces in Border Towns of Ogun State: Implications for National Security

This research paper examines the impact of leadership crisis on ungoverned spaces in border towns of Ogun State, Nigeria, and its implications for national security. The study will explore the nature and extent of leadership crisis in these border towns, including the factors that contribute to the emergence and persistence of ungoverned spaces. It will also examine the challenges posed by these ungoverned spaces, including their potential to aggravate conflict, promote criminal activities, a...