Constitutional and Human Rights Law Research Papers/Topics

Regulating Autonomous Weapons Systems within International Humanitarian Law.

The integration of autonomous weapons systems (AWS) within International Humanitarian Law (IHL) presents challenges to fundamental principles such as distinction, proportionality, precaution, and accountability. While autonomous weapons offer benefits in speed and efficiency, they also pose significant risks to humanitarian considerations.A comprehensive approach that integrates technological and legal solutions is essential to regulate the development and deployment of AWS. Engineering solut...

‘Penalised for Persecution’: The Plight of Asylum Seekers in Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Asylum seekers and refugees are among the world’s most vulnerable people. They frequently attract opposing views and are seen as a burden to society, which is an unfortunate reality. Most contemporary state practices fall short of the required standards, despite the existence of structures and a comprehensive international and regional legal framework to protect these vulnerable individuals. Zimbabwe has ratified several international and regional human rights treaties, but its dom...