Law Research Papers/Topics

The Role of Local Community In The Fight Against Defilement A Case Study of Makindye Division

1.7.9. Introduction ............................................................................ 151.8.0 The purposes of data collection are: ..................................................... 151.8.1. Source of data ..................................................................... 151.8.2. Data processing ....................................................................... 151.8.3 Data analy.sis ..........................................................................................

SSA Research 36 PAGES (6716 WORDS) Law Report
The Law and Land Tenure Conflicts in Buganda: A Case Study of Mukono District

ABSTARCTThe topic of research was "The law and land tenure conflicts in Buganda: a case study of Mukono district". The main aim of the study was to investigate the law and the land tenure conflicts in Buganda.The research findings were analyzed basing on the specific and a recommendation and conclusion drawn accordingly.TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ......................................................................... iiAPPROVAL BY SUPERVISOR ....................................

SSA Research 49 PAGES (14010 WORDS) Law Report
The Law On Human Trafficking And Its Effectiveness On Curbing The Crime In Uganda A Case Study- Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................... iAPPROVAL ...................................................................... .iDEDICATION .............................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................... .ivLIST OF STATUTES ......................................................................... vLIST OF INTERNATIONAL LEGAL INSTRUMENTS .......

SSA Research 44 PAGES (8398 WORDS) Law Report
A Critical Analysis of The Human Rights Perspective on The Ljse of Force A Case Study: The Uganda Police Force (Updf)

ABSTRACTThe constitution of Uganda 1995 is the supreme law of the land and consequently no law should be in contravention of the crime.Chapter four of the constitution pertains to protection and fondarnental freedoms. These are envisaged under A1iicles 20, to 50 under Article 23 protection of personal liberty in Uganda.The constitution under article 51 establishes the Uganda Human rights commission which is mandate among other to promote the protection and observance of human r...

SSA Research 67 PAGES (19768 WORDS) Law Report
Kampala International University. Topic: Land Administration/ Control And Disputes Settlement In Uganda A Case Study: Ibanda District.

AbstractConi1icts have always been around and many countries today are still in conflict, many are recovering and no doubt conflicts will continue to exist.nThis study seeks to highlight the following:• Land administration and control• The Causes of land related coni1icts and• The key features and problems faced during and after conflicts• Suggesting guidelines for these resolving these guidelinesA substantial amount of this research focused on the technical areas of conflict man...

SSA Research 61 PAGES (10733 WORDS) Law Report

ABSTRACTUganda has for long troubled with the problem of drug trafficking, which has resulted into an adopted habit of drug abuse As a result, the government enacted various laws to counter the drug trafficking and abuse problems that were growing like a summer time bush fire. Under these laws, it is prohibited for anyone to illegally possess, sell or use the drugs so classified as under international control.With laws in place however, the problem of drug trafficking...

SSA Research 72 PAGES (15317 WORDS) Law Report
Challenges Facing Women in Employment Case Study in Kampala

ABSTRACTDiscriminationDiscrimination is the different treatment given to different persons attributable only or mainly to their respective descriptions by sex, race, color. ethnic origin, tribe, birth, creed or religion,social or economic standing, political opinion or disability.Sexual harassment Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Gender inequalityGender inequality is t...

SSA Research 43 PAGES (10422 WORDS) Law Report
The Analysis of Death Penalty in Uganda.

ABSTRACTThe researcher's major emphasis is on death penalty in Uganda. Thus this research gives an over view of the death penalty and its international and domestic instruments, literature review, arguments for and against abolition of the deathpenalty.  TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ................................................................. iAPPROVAL ................................................................. iiDEDICATION ..............................................

SSA Research 88 PAGES (23395 WORDS) Law Report
A Critical Analysis on The Law of Juvenile Delinquency in Uganda. Case Study: Kampala District.

ABSTRACTThis study is a critical analysis on the Jaw of juvenile delinquency in Uganda. The research addressed the problem that despite the numerous Jaws available in Uganda regarding juvenile delinquency such as the provisions in the 1995 Uganda Constitution / The Childrens Act Cap 59/ The UN /Convention on the Rights of the Chilct The Domestic Violence Act 2010 among others/the law has not been followed by the dot and thus creating loopholes and uneffectiveness whic...

SSA Research 88 PAGES (19411 WORDS) Law Report
The Human Rights Abuse in Detention Centers in Uganda Focusing on Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................... i0.1 DECLARATION: ......................................... ii0.2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................... .......... iii0.3 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ........................... iv0.4 LIST OF CASES ............................................ viCHAPTER ONE ...... ......................... .. ......... 11.1 INTRODUCTION ...................... ................. 11.2 BACKGROUND OF THE ST...

SSA Research 30 PAGES (7162 WORDS) Law Report
Child Labour The Law on Employment Vis-Avis Child Labour A Case Study of Mbale Municipality

ABSTRACTThis research was undertaken to collect data on child labour in Uganda with climate goal of designing interventions and laws for addressing child labour.This research was a cross sectional studies undertaken in one district mostly the municipality of Mbale. The research reveals a number of factors fueling child labour recruitment of children fit soldiering, methods of recruitment and how is it against the law on employment, At reign there are various loopholes...

SSA Research 39 PAGES (8069 WORDS) Law Report
Critical Analysis Of Legal Framework On Combating Crime Of Theft In Uganda A Case Study Of Kina Wataka Naka Wa Division-Kampala

ABSTRACTThe study analyzed the legal framework in combating crime of theft in Uganda with specific reference to Kinawataka. This study looks at background and buildup on crime of theft inUganda; analyzes the conceptual framework on crime of theft, identifies the causes of crime of theft, examines Uganda's legal framework on combating crime of theft and identifiesrecommendations on combating crime of theftA qualitative technique of research methods were employed by the researcher. Th...

Save SSA Research 84 PAGES (22493 WORDS) Law Report
Defilement and Its Impact Upon Children in the Community And The Case Study Kamuli District

ABSTRACTThe children of communities today are faced with numerous challenges and the most outstanding in all of them is the defilement challenges. Precisely defined assexual offence and is the construct to have carnal knowledge with a person under the age of majority, irrespective of the sex of a child by the majority orminority male who is older than a minority female defilement poses a societal threat and the impediment. Under criminal law taking its toll on the central of th...

SSA Research 43 PAGES (10593 WORDS) Law Report

ABSTRACT This study "An Appraisal of the Contribution of the Police Force in the Observation of Human Rights in Uganda' was specifically carried to; ascertain the legal framework for Human Rights observation in general and in pa1iicnlar the right to fi•eedom of speech and expression by the Uganda Police Force; assess the effectiveness of the policies goveming the UPF institution in observing Human rights; establish the major factors obstructing the UPF from effectively promoting the fr...

A Critical Analysis of Customs and General Principles in The Development of International Criminal Law,

ABSTRACTInternational criminal law is one of the very broad aspects of intemationallaw generally, dealing with the investigation and possible prosecution and punishment of perpetrators of international crimes. In the prosecution of intemational crimes, intemational criminal law does contain various principles, norms and customs that have in fact contt~buted to its development. It is w1derstood that whilst international criminal law is different from intemational humanitari...

SSA Research 63 PAGES (22247 WORDS) Law Report

1 - 15 Of 118 Results