Law Research Papers/Topics


TABLE OF CONTENTS 0.1 Acknowledgment ....................................................................... 1V 0.2 Declaration .................................................................................................................. V 0.3 Abbreviation ................................................................................................................. IV 0.4 List of cases and non English terms ................................................................................

The Implication Of The Law On Plea Bargaining In Criminal Justice System In Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ...................................... , ........................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................... ii CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................ 1 1.0 Introduction ...........................................................................................

Legal Analysis Of Labor Laws: A Case Study Of Uganda.

ABSTRACT This report is entitled "legal analysis of labor laws in Uganda". The study was carried out based on three objectives, that is; to identify the various labor laws in Uganda, to establish the current working conditions of employees in Uganda, and to find out how the labor laws are being applied in the Uganda. The study was in form of a descriptive survey, to describe and analyze the condition of the areas being studied as it was at the time. The study population comprised of 300 emplo...

An Examination Of The Legal Regime Of The Coastal States Under The Unclos

ABSTRACTThe United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) also referred toas the law of the sea convention is the international agreement that resulted from thethird United Nations Conference on the law of the sea (UNCLOS III). The law ofthe sea convention defines the maritime zones, the rights, responsibilities andlimitations to the rights of the coastal states with respect to their use of the world'soceans. The UNCLOS codified many aspects of customary international law andalso i...

Police And Criminal Investigation: Analysis Of Successful Police Criminal Investigation And Challenges Of Investigation In Uganda. A Case Study Of Lira Municipal, Lira District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ................................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................... ivLIST OF FIGURES .......................

SSA Research 102 PAGES (22858 WORDS) Law Report
The Legal Analysis Of The Pro Bono Services In Uganda, The Effectiveness Of The Institutions In Uganda.

ABSTRACTLegal Aid is a right which is recognized and provided for both at international and national level in order to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. Access to Justice is an important right which should be enjoyed by all people in the world in-espective of their social, economic and political differences in order to promote the role of law.The legal aid providers Network (LASPNET) was established to link up all legal aid service provider by providing a ...

Defilement: A Critical Analysis Of The Law And Practice In Uganda

ABSTRACTThe study aimed at analyzing the law and practice in Uganda regarding defilement. The objectives of the study were; to examine the existing laws in relation to defilement in Uganda and to establish factors and practices that aggravates defilement in Uganda.The researcher used a descriptive design to get in-depth information about the topic to critically m1alyses the laws about defilement and practice in Uganda. Stratified random sampling was used.!' 1•The respondents ...

Examining The Applicability Of The Extradition Law In Uganda's Judicial System

TABLE OF CONTENTSDEClARATION ....................................................................................... iAPPROVAL. ........................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................ iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ ivDEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................

The Legal Framework Regulating Women's Right To Own Land In Uganda. Case Study Of Nebbi District

ABSTRACTIn this increasingly globalising world of emancipation gender and the law, there is need for a holistic approach to the acquisition of knowledge and skills for one to survive the challenges of the historical patriarchal concept of land rights as a reserve for the menThis research has been undertaken to make a noble contribution to the cause of women's land rights reform needs considering that rural women in Uganda and those of Nebbi district are majorly illite...

Examination Of Arbitration As An Alternative Dispute Resolution Method In Uganda’s Legal Regime.

ABSTRACTSince the use of ADR as a means of resolving disputes arbitration is emerging fast, inexpensive and informal dispute resolution mechanism for all grievances. Arbitration is viewed as a dispute resolution mechanism which may prove particularly effective in matters commercial, employment, land, family, and consumer matters among others. Emphasis on the legislative and institutional and legal framework, the arbitration proceeding and how it is applied internationally ...

The Impact Of Administrative Conflicts On Service Delivery In Local Governments In Uganda: The Of Mayuge District

ABSTRACTThis study investigated "The impact of ad111i11istrative co11jlicts on service delivery in localgovern111e11ts i11 Uga11da: the case of Mayuge district." Because of this, there was need toestablish whether administrative conflicts in local governments were caused by the gaps andviolation of the legal framework in a decentralized environment and how it impacts on employeeperfonnance and service delivery.The study particularly sought to establish causes; examine the impact of conflict o...

The Impact Of Counterfeit On-Trademark Protection In Kenya Case Study Nairobi City

ABSTRACTThis research dissertation mainly dealt with the general objective and specific objectives of the study problem which is the impact of counterfeits on trademarks protection in Kenya, with thearea of study being specifically Nairobi City.Chapter one of the study on the impact of counterfeits on trademarks protection in Kenya briefly explained the origin of trademarks and there protection laws and how they come to Kenya. More so it also explains what is counterfeit and co...

The Efficacy Of The Death Penalty As A Deterrent To Capital Offences In Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ......................................................................................................... .iAPPROVAL .......................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION .......................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................... .iv...

Critical Analysis Of Citizensiiip In East Africa: Acase Study Of Tile Nubians In Kl{,Ny A

TABLE OF CONTENTSAPPROV AI, A ............................................................................................................. iAPPROVAL B ...................................................................................................... iiDloDICATION ......................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLIODGMloNT. ........................................................................................................

A Critical Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of The Principle Of Separation Of Power In Uganda

ABSTRACTIn multi party nations the doctrine of separation of power should put at the apex as people have different political ideologies. This would not the case in states that have no multi party system as all people and all authorities would be acting and or seen to be acting in the name and in the interest of the all citizens who have a similar political thinking.However, in a multi arty system of govemance, the opposition which is composed of the advising members of the...

46 - 60 Of 118 Results