Law Research Papers/Topics

Constitutionalism In The Post 1995 Uganda With Reference To The Indpendence Of The Judiciary

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................

SSA Research 76 PAGES (23456 WORDS) Law Thesis
Effects Of Culture In Regards To Property Inheritance, Culture Vis-A-Vis Property Inheritance By Women In Uganda

ABSTRACT This research is aimed at establishing the right of women to own property in Africa in general taking the practice in Bomba town as an example. History, culture, traditions and customs in Africa seem to demonstrate that African women do not enjoy any right to own property. However, modernization and legislation have intervened since the 19111 century to change the situation in favor of women. The problem is whether those changes intended to protect women as introduced by Internation...

SSA Research 65 PAGES (17374 WORDS) Law Thesis
An Examination Of Criminal Justice System Of South Sudan: Theory And Practice

ABTRACT This research paper entails the dispensation of justice and its effectiveness in the South Sudan criminal justice system from the early days of lib.eration struggle by South Sudanese to the post independence of the Republic of South Sudan and examines the challenges facing dispensation of criminal justice system; making it another point in the South Sudan historical development of criminal causation and the laws creating the criminal justice system in South Sudan. Both primary and se...

SSA Research 69 PAGES (22953 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Role Of The Public Procurement And Disposal Of Public Assets Authority (Ppda) In Combating Procurement Corruption In Government Institutions In Uganda: A Case Study Of The Ppda Authority

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL.: ................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................

SSA Research 44 PAGES (9068 WORDS) Law Thesis
Defilement: Analysis Of The Law & Policy In Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTS: DECLARATION ......................................................................................................... i DEDICATION ............................................................................................................ ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS: ......................................................................................... iv CHAPTER ONE ....

SSA Research 64 PAGES (19033 WORDS) Law Thesis
An Analysis On The Protection Of Women Against Sexual Abuse Under The Domestic Violence Act Of Uganda Of 2010 In The Era Of Hiv/Aids Case Study: Makindye Division

ABSTRACT The study, ~n analysis on the protection of women against sexual abuse under the Domestic Violence act of Uganda 2010, on the era of HIV/AIDS", was carried out to determine Act 3/201 0' s efficiency on offering the women, as one of the marginalized and most vulnerable group a tangible solution to the problem, particularly in Makindye division. Owing to historical, cultural/traditional, religious, legal among other factors responsible for the unequal power relations within the family,...

SSA Research 75 PAGES (15919 WORDS) Law Thesis
Examination Of The Legal Regime For Environmental Regulation Inthe Oil Industry In Unity State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT ~‘Examination of legal regime for environmental regulation in oil industry in Unity State, South Sudan” examines national legislations and policy framework, regional and international conventions regulating oil industry in the Republic of South Sudan. Specifically, the study explores, evaluates, identifies and compares different legislations regulating and protecting the environment against hazards associated with oil industry in the world youngest nation. Essentially, this study...

Save SSA Research 80 PAGES (17731 WORDS) Law Thesis
Traditional African Justice Sytem: A Better Way Of Solving Land Disputes In Uganda. A Case Study Of The Post- Conflict In Acholiland (2008-2015)

ABSTRACT Post-conflict northern Uganda has witnessed an increase in disputes over land. This has, to a great extent, been as a result of the anned conflict and its aftennath. Beyond that, other chaotic factors embedded in various social, legal, economic, and political aspects of this society have influenced the nature, gravity, and dynamics of these disputes and the way in which Traditional Institutions and the Local Council Courts have attempted to resolve them. Using examples from field re...

SSA Research 43 PAGES (7681 WORDS) Law Thesis
An Examination Of The International And Regional Human Rights Instruments In Relation To Child Trafficking. (A Case Study Of Uganda: Kampala District)

ABSTRACT This research looks at an examination of their international and regional human rights instruments in relation to child trafficking. This research draws up the nature and history of child trafficking and the laws put in place to combat child trafficking internationally, regionally and domestically in Uganda. This research also brings out the various challenges faced in combating child trafficking with in the country. Various recommendations are also made to ensure that the governmen...

SSA Research 70 PAGES (12563 WORDS) Law Thesis
Cohabitation And Instate Succession: A Human Right Perspective

ABSTRACT General comment 19 of the international covenant on civil and political rights asks states to recognise and protect all families but leaves how to do this to state discretion. It is silfflit on whether all families must be protected equally in all circumstances. Often, states make n01mative distinction between the unmarried cohabitants and married spouses such that cohabitants are norn1ally not given the quality of rights and protections guaranteed to maJTied spouses. Whereas some r...

SSA Research 52 PAGES (15539 WORDS) Law Thesis
Role Of The International Community In Fighting Crimes Against Humanity: A Focus On Africa

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION .............................. , ........................................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............

SSA Research 70 PAGES (24963 WORDS) Law Thesis
Legal Constraints On Women's Land Rights In Uganda: A Case Study Of Soroti Municipality

ABSTRACT In this study "legal constraints on women's land rights in Uganda", a case study of Soroti Municipality was carried out in Soroti Municipality which is in Uganda, with general and specific objectives of assessing the applicability of the existing customs and cultural practices in our society which bar women from owning and inheriting land in the country. The study considered findings that indicated that the existing customs and cultural practices are contradicting the constitution of...

Save SSA Research 66 PAGES (18417 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Role Of Nema In The Protection Of The Environment In Uganda

ABSTRACT As an institution set up in May 1995 and became operational in December 1995, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has been since then an over seer in the protection of the environment through sectors like the civil society, local governments, district levels and in the private sector in Uganda because it has the mandate to do so as provided by the constitution ' "fthe republic of Uganda. Therefore, this research project is basically carried out to establish the ~xac...

SSA Research 55 PAGES (11693 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Role Of Courts -Martial In The Administration Of Justice In Uganda-A Case Study Of The Updf Courts- Martial

TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION ............................................................................................................ i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................•.......................................... ii DECLARATION ........................................................................................................ iii SUPERVISOR'S DECLARATION ................................................................................. iv LIST OF AC...

SSA Research 37 PAGES (7787 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Impact Of The Law And The Policy On Child Labour In Kibera Area, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This research was undertaken to examine the impact of the law and the policy on child labour with the ultimate aim of designing solutions to the child labour phenomenon. This research was conducted in Kibera area, Kenya. This research was aimed at creating awareness of the existence of child labour to the government, parents and the entire country. It was also meant to caution policy makers and legislators for them to come up with the appropriate mechanisms and strategies for purpos...

SSA Research 62 PAGES (15613 WORDS) Law Thesis

136 - 150 Of 212 Results