Law Research Papers/Topics

Environmental Rights Violations in the Mineral Resource Sector of Karamoja Sub Region of Uganda

ABSTRACT It is reported that many people’s environmental riqhts are being violated daily. It continues to be a heavy drag on man’s efforts to advance agriculture and pastoralism. The evolution of environmental riqhts in the mining sector saw the enactment of legislation specifically to protect the interests of the Indigenous people in the mining sector but this has not been mostly followed. The protection of environmental riqhts has evoked emotions and debates espedally when it comes to p...

SSA Research 106 PAGES (26104 WORDS) Law Thesis
Women's Rights to Development Under the Land Legal Regime in Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS  Contents  DECLARATION A ................................................................................................... ii  DECLARATION B .................................................................................................. iii  DEDICATION ............................................................................. ; .......................... iv  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................. ~ ...........................

The Adequacy of the Leg L Framework for a Political Federation of the East African Community: N Examination Of The Common Market Protocol

ABSTRACT he import of this thesis is to explore the possibility and the benefit of an East African ~olitical federation this thesis discussed the history of the East African Community in eneral the factors that led to its collapse in 1977 and what the current Partner States ave put in place to protect the Community from collapsing again. In the statement roblem as stated that the adequacy of the legal framework for a political federation of ~e East African Community: An Examination of the Com...

Combating Terrorism in Nigeria: A Critical Analysis of the Legal Framework

ABSTRACT Terrorism has been a threat to both the people and of government of Nigeria. The loss of human and material resources is so monumental and set back to the country. The objective ofthis research is to critically evaluate the legalframework put in place to counter terrorism in Nigeria. The methodology adopted for this research is doctrinal, this enable the researcher examine the mechanism put in place to tackle terrorism andfind a means offihling the gap identified The mq/or findings o...

Save SSA Research 112 PAGES (35442 WORDS) Law Thesis
Encampment and Its Effects to the Surrounding and The Right to A Healthy Environment in Kapelebyong, Amuria District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The people of Kapelebyong have been victims of cattle rusting, which has culminated in the creation of the congested Camps in Kapelebyong. The camps have no basic facilities such as schools, health centres, toilets and clean drinking water. This has led to out breaks for diseases, high infant mortality and high levels of poverty due to loss of the cattle to raiders and destruction of the surrounding environment. The researcher concludes that the people of Kapelebyong and the surround...

SSA Research 175 PAGES (52495 WORDS) Law Thesis
Biodiversity in the Petroleum Rich Albertine Graben: An Examination of the Legal Regime

AB~TRAC~ Awareness of the importance of environmental conservation has become more and more central to the thinking of the oil industiy worldwide. Integration of development and environment throughparticipatoiy approaches was the main objective ofthe UnitedNations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio Janeiro-Brazil in 1992.Principle 4 of the Rio Declaration puts it clear “in order to achieve sustainable developmen4 environmental protection shall coijstitute an integral p...

Save SSA Research 122 PAGES (39523 WORDS) Law Thesis
Abolition of Death Penalty and Its Implications for the Justice System in South Sudan

ABSTR4CT Death penalty is a recognized punishment for a number of crimes in South Sudan criminal Justice System. European Union under the umbrella ofInternational community, calls for moratorium or abolition ofdeath penalty by the President ofSouth Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardit, without due consideration oflaw makingprocess in South Sudan and views ofSouth Sudanese people. The main objective ofthe study is to determine the implications ofabolition of death penalty in the criminaljustice system in...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ....................................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL BY SUPERVISOR .............................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION .................................................. : ...................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...........................


The concept of patient confidentiality is nearly as old as the practice of health professions and has evolved over the years, from one jurisdiction to the other. The duty of patient confidentiality can be a fundamental human right, an ethical duty, or a legal duty. Under the Saudi Arabian jurisdiction, the concept of patient confidentiality has evolved around its Shari’ah-based (Islamic) legal culture, its history, and the concept of universality of human rights. Patient confidentiality is ...

Save ABBA ELGUJJA 261 PAGES (82282 WORDS) Law Thesis
Protection Of Ethnic Minorities In Uganda: A Case Study Of The Basongora Of Kasese District

ABSTRACT. The research analyzes the protection of ethnic minorities in Uganda and it was done in Uganda. The study was guided by the research objectives. The research looks at the origin of the marginalization if the Basongora ethnic minority and what caused the same. It also looks at the problems faced by the Basongora ethnic minority and how the government has dealt with the aforementioned problem. The research analyzes the legal framework and government policy on the protection of minorit...

Challenges Of Implementing The Right To Vote In Uganda: A Case Study Of The 2001 And 2006 Presidential And Parliamentary Elections, Rubaga Division - Kampala.

TABLE OF CONTENTS • Acknowledgement • Dedications • Declarations • List of Abbreviations CHAPTER ONE: Background to the Study • Introduction and Background of the study • Statement of the Problem • Definition of key terms • Scope of the study • Objective of the Study • Hypothesis • Justification and Significance of the study • Review of Literature • Methodology • Arrangement of chapters • Budget CHAPTER TWO: The Legal and Policy Framework. • Introduction �...

A Critical Appraisal On The Effectiveness Of The Law On Refugees In Uganda: A Case Study Of Sudanese Refugees

TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................... iii DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................ iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................................................... vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............

An Examination Of The Status Of Women's Right To Equal Treatment In Uganda

Table of Contents DECLARATION .................................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .......................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ..................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................

Status Of Unlawful Combatants And Their Protection Under International Humanitarian Law

ABSTRACT The phenomenon of terrorism has brought so many challenges to International Humanitarian Law. This dissertation analyses the provisions of International Humanitarian Law which prohibit acts of terrorism and the legal issues raised by responses to terrorist acts, i.e. by counter-terrorist operations or, as politicians and the media have come to call it, "the war on terrorism". It has considered the views of various scholars regarding the status of so-called "unlawful combatants" and ...

Public Rights Claim Under Enviromental Law A Critical Analysis Of Public Interest Litigation In Uganda

ABSTRACT An environmental law right has not been defined but vanous authorities, authors and environmentalists have categorized several of those human rights both substantive and procedural rights to effect environmental law rights. The international instruments protecting these rights like Article 24 of African Charter on Human and People's Rights (ACHPR) which states "All people have a right to general satisfactory environment favorable to the development" The other convention is the Int...

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