Law Research Papers/Topics

An Analysis Of The Concept Of Judicial Independence In Uganda In The Context Of Post 1995 Constitution

ABSTACT This is a study on the principle of judicial independence. This is a doctrine that has attained universal force which requires that in the perfonnance of its functions, the judiciary must act independently. The judiciary is the only institution that is entrusted with the role to protect the freedom and liberty of persons by way of interpreting the law. It therefore means that for efficient protection of personal freedom and liberty the judiciary must not be subject to any person or au...

An Analysis Of The Sufficiency Of The Domestic Violence Law In Uganda A Case Of Kampala District

TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents DECLARATION .............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii LIST OF STATUTES ...................................................................................................................... v LIST OF CASES ..................................

The Concept Of Matrimonial Property: A Case Study Of Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION •.•.•....•..••..••..•.•••..•••..•••••••••...•.••••.....•..•.••••.••••.•..••••..•••••.••.•••••••••••••...•••••• i DEDICATION .•••.••••••.•....•..••••......••••••••......•••.••....•.•.•••.•........••••••.•.....••••••••••.•......

Investingating The Promotion And Protection Of The Rights Of Employees Living With Hiv /Aids At Work Places In Uganda A Case Study; Of Rubaga Division Kampala District

ABSTRACT The study focused on the role of the protection of the rights of HIV/AIDS victims at workplaces. HIV /AIDS is a world-wide health problem affecting the young and the old irrespective of the status. The scourge has got no cure as yet and the PL WHA survive on the availability of the antiretroviral drugs. There has been an outcry from the people living with HV/AIDS regarding the violations of their human rights citing lack of protection from the existing legal instruments. The pu...

A Social - Legal Analysis Of The Voluntary And Involuntary Resettlement Of The Bakiga In Kibaale Distrct

TABLE OF CONTENTS PRELIMINARIES Page Table or contents Dedication Ill Statement ororiginality.................... .. ....... . ....... .. 1v 1 c k no\' ledgemcnt v List o r statutes............. .. .. ... ......................... . .... VI CHAPTER ONE • INTRODUCTION /ND B/CKCROUND 1.1 Background or the Study ............................ .. .. 1.2 Statement or the problem......... .. .. . ................... 5 1 . . Objectives or the study...... . .... .. ......... . ........... .. 5 1.4 Re...

Critical Analysis On How International Criminal Court (Icc) Has Failed In Fighting Impunity Case Study Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study critical analysis is how international criminal court ICC has failed in fighting impurity case study Kenya post -election violence 2007/2008. It is mainly concerned with reasons as to international criminal court on failure in trying to bring impurity in Kenya, was specific aims of analyzing the applicability of the Rome statute in ending war, identifying legislative weaknesses, challenges faced by ICC in exercising its mandate in order to provide appropriate intervention...

A Critique Of The Legal Framework On Imported Goods Vis-A-Vis Standard M1d Quality In Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................... .i AP PROV AL ............................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................

Kampala International University Faculty Of Law Effects Of Drug Trafficking. A Case Study Of Mombasa And Malindi County Coast Province

ABSTRACT Kenya's youth are dying at an early age because of these vice which has threatened to take over their lives which has proved to be a challenge to the conununity at large which is keen to ensure that their youth are one day considered to be people of importance. This study on "effects' of drug trafficking and drug abuse on the youth of Mombasa and Malindi County was carried out in coast province, in Kenya. It was specifically aimed at finding out the causes of drug trafficking, estab...

An Analysis Of Women's Rights To Land As A Tool For Their Economic Empowerment

ABSTRACT focus of this study is the women's right to land and it presents a critical analysis of the laws in 11da and the rights provided there in, and how these rights affect women. It also looks at the J111ary laws and its effect to the women in Uganda. study also shows how, women are the poorest in the country yet they conh·ibute the most to :ultural labor that is the country's most beneficial economic activity. study analyses how economic empowerment of women can be achieved, through la...

Law, Morality And Armed Conflict: Striking A Balance On Humanitarian Intervention.

ABSTRACT ‘With all the uprising happening in the world, it is important for states to understand what exactly happens before they choose to go to war with another state. When the world divided itself into superpowers, developing, and underdeveloped countries, some states assumed the role of masters and others of serfs. Under international law, the right of self-defense gives every state a right to respond to an armed attack that has already taken place. Whether it also includes a right to u...

The Nature Of Hire-Purchase Law And Its Impact On Future Commercial Transactions In Uganda

Abstract This study examines the legal framework for hire purchase in Uganda, the nature and benefits of hire purchase and compares with mortgages, credit and conditional sales, leasing, sale of goods and outright sales. In hire purchase. the hirer is given immediate possession of goods upon payment of the deposit, but has an option to purchase them. Subsequent payment is made in installments, which is a credit facility to the hirer. However, the hirer gets mere possession and not property i...

The Effect Of Divorce On Women And Children In Uganda "The Legal And Customary Perspective".

TABlE Of CONTENTS DECLARATION .......................................................................................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................

Causes Of Juvenile Delinquency And The Legal Effects Thereof: A Case Study Of Naguru Remand Home?

ABSTRACT This research is based on Juvenile Delinquency and an analysis of the law on juvenile criminals in Naguru Remand Home. The research establishes the causes of juvenile delinquency along with its legal effects, the progra1mnes or activities at the remand home, the challenges faced in rehabilitating juvenile delinquents and in addition to how the problems can be addressed. This is because juvenile delinquency posses a unique threat and responsibility to society to address and prevent b...

Constitutionalism In The Post 1995 Uganda With Reference To The Indpendence Of The Judiciary

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................

Effects Of Culture In Regards To Property Inheritance, Culture Vis-A-Vis Property Inheritance By Women In Uganda

ABSTRACT This research is aimed at establishing the right of women to own property in Africa in general taking the practice in Bomba town as an example. History, culture, traditions and customs in Africa seem to demonstrate that African women do not enjoy any right to own property. However, modernization and legislation have intervened since the 19111 century to change the situation in favor of women. The problem is whether those changes intended to protect women as introduced by Internation...

121 - 135 Of 210 Results