Community Health and Development Research Papers/Topics

Supply Chain Resilience and Service Delivery of Public Health Care Facilities in Western Region Kenya

Abstract Supply chain management is a crucial activity that entails overseeing the movement of materials from the source, throughput, to the end consumer. However, in this endeavour, there are increased instances of uncertainties, i.e., speeds of delivery, flexibility, and environmental factors that affect the services rendered to the end consumer. This drives the concept of supply chain resilience as the ability of an organization to cope with stress from any factors in its environment and ...

Health managers’ perspectives of community health committees’ participation in the annual health sector planning and budgeting process in a devolved unit in Kenya: a cross-sectional study

Abstract Introduction health sector planning and budgeting are concerned with identifying priorities that guide budgetary allocation to improve health outcomes. Engaging the community in this process empowers them to manage their own health. Despite the benefits and the availability of legislation and structures to mainstream community participation, their involvement is minimal and marred with challenges. This study, therefore, aimed to examine the level and perspectives of health managers ...