Community Health Research Papers/Topics

Prevalence and Factors Associated With the Management of Tungiasis in Ikolomani Sub-County, Kakamega County, Western Kenya

Abstract/Overview Background: Tungiasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by skin penetration by female jigger fleas, predominantly Tunga penetrans, most commonly in resource-limited settings with sub-optimal basic hygiene standards, mainly in developing countries. Objective: We investigated the factors associated with tungiasis management in Ikolomani Sub County, Kakamega County in Western Kenya. Design: Descriptive study using mixed-methods approach, involving clinical observation,...

Adverse Neonatal Complications from Pregnancies Complicated by Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in a Poor Resource Setting, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Gestational diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is a disorder at pregnancy causing insulin intolerance thus contributing to adverse pregnancy outcomes. The aim of this study was to evaluate neonatal outcomes associated with gestational diabetes mellitus among pregnant women with GDM in Kisumu County, Kenya. A case-control study was carried out among 210 pregnant women in Kisumu County. Screening and diagnosis were performed using the 2013 WHO criteria. Data was collected using a che...

Genotypes and Associated Risk Levels of Human Papilloma Virus among Female Patients Attending Rabuor Sub County Hospital, Kisumu

Abstract/Overview Background: Human papillomavirus is the main factor in the etiology of cervical cancer, with over 99.7% of cases being associated with high-risk human papillomavirus infection. Although the majority of HPV infections are asymptomatic and self-limiting, persistent HPV infection can result in genital warts, oropharyngeal cancer, and cervical cancer in women, in addition to various anogenital malignancies and other genital warts in both men and women. Method: This was a cro...

Home-Based Care Practices and Experiences Influencing Health-Seeking Behaviour among Caregivers of Children Diagnosed with Pneumonia in Endebess Sub-County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Background Pneumonia continues to be the second leading cause of both morbidity and mortality in children under five years in Kenya. In part, the high burden of the disease arises from delay and inappropriate health-seeking by caregivers. Caregivers delay seeking care at health facilities due to the administration of home-based remedies. Some home remedies may lead to a prolonged hospital stay and, in many cases, result in death. However, little is known about the home-b...

Factors Associated with Pregnancy Occurrence Among Known HIV Positive Women In Rangwe Sub-County, Homa Bay County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Globally, the proportions of women of reproductive age living with HIV vary between regions, with significantly higher proportions in sub-Saharan Africa. The scale-up of multiple-drug antiretroviral therapy in Africa has changed childbearing dynamics for HIV-positive women, with an impact on pregnancy incidence, although there is little understanding of the factors associated with pregnancy incidence among these women. This descriptive cross-sectional study investigated ...

Determinants of Maternal Health Care Choices among Women in Lunga Lunga Sub County in Kwale County-Kenya

Abstract/Overview Maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality are major public health concerns in most developing countries and in under resourced settings. Provision of safe motherhood is of utmost importance in the reduction of maternal mortality. Increasing the proportion of babies that are delivered in health facilities is an important factor in reducing the health risks to both the mother and the baby. This study explored maternal healthcare choices of expectant mothers in Lunga Lu...

Maternal Health Care Choices among Women in Lunga Lunga Sub County in Kwale County-Kenya

Abstract/Overview Maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality are major public health concerns in most developing countries and in under resourced settings. Provision of safe motherhood is of utmost importance in the reduction of maternal mortality. Increasing the proportion of babies that are delivered in health facilities is an important factor in reducing the health risks to both the mother and the baby. This study explored maternal healthcare choices of expectant mothers in Lunga Lu...