Pediatrics and Child Health Research Papers/Topics

Risks of Infections Among HIV Exposed Infants During the First 18 Months of Life in Western Kenya

Abstract/Overview Infants exposed to HIV are more vulnerable to infections compared to those not HIV exposed. The occurrence and risks of infections among these infants are less understood. High maternal viral load can result in advanced disease, low maternal survival rates and puts the infant at higher risk of having early T- cell abnormality. This study aimed at characterizing the infections among HIV Exposed Infants (HEI) and establishing the risk factors associated with infections for...

Evaluating parental screening tool for developmental milestone in children under five years in rural Western Kenya

Abstract/Overview Background: An estimated 200 million children suffer from developmental delays, most in developing countries. Early diagnosis through screening is key to timely intervention. However, screening tools have not been assessed in developing countries. Objective: This study therefore assesses parental screening tool for evaluating developmental delays (PEDS; DM) in children under 5 years. Method: Across-sectional survey of randomly selected 870 caregivers to test sensitivity ...

Decline in childhood iron deficiency after interruption of malaria transmission in highland Kenya

Abstract/Overview Background: Achieving optimal iron status in children in malariaendemic areas may increase the risk of malaria. Malaria itself may contribute to iron deficiency, but the impact of an interruption in malaria transmission on the prevalence of iron deficiency is unknown. Objectives: We aimed to determine whether 1) iron status improved in children living in 2 Kenyan villages with a documented cessation in malaria transmission and 2) changes in iron status correlated with ch...