The effect of Anthocleista djalonensis leaves on the zone of inhibition of microorganism isolated from fruits (Watermelon, pineapple, apple and orange) juice stored at 30+10C for 20days were investigated using agar diffusion and dilution methods. The result obtained reveled that the Zone of inhibition Staphylococcus aureus was 18mm (juice isoaltes), clinical 17mm while typed culture was 13mm. Bacillus cereus was 7mm (clinical isolate), while juice isolate was 10mm. The minimum inhibitory conc...
ABSTRACT Production of Peanut Butter was done using roasted groundnuts, salt and yeast. The process involved roasting and grinding into fine paste, after which equal amount of honey and vegetable oil were added, sugar, salt, followed by powdered yolk of an egg was added as colouring agent. The product produced peanut butter was yellowish in colour, had a smooth and soft texture which spread easily on bread and had a fine peanut taste. It was put under observation for...
ABSTRACT Cookies were produced from the blends of banana flour and coconut milk. The proximate composition, metabolised energy value and sensory characteristics of the cookie were evaluated. Selected functional properties of the UBF were also determined. The composition varied between coconut milk and margarine (100%; 0%, 50%; 50%, 25%; 75%, 75%; 25%, 0%; 100% respectively and the control). The UBF had possessed water and oil absorption of 185% and 139% respectively, a bulk densit...
Abstract - Determination of proximate composition, mineral content, and the effect of ethylene glycol and ethanol at varied pH on the functional properties using standard methods were carried out on the protein concentrates of two samples of Gourd Melon (Citrullus colocynthis L.), one containing hull and the other without hull. Results for the proximate composition for the sample without hull gave 3.99% Moisture Content, 5% Ash Content, 16.455% Fat Content, 52.875% Crude Protein, 6.855% Crud...
African yam bean (Sphenostylisstenocarpa) is an underutilized food legume crop in the tropics that is not as popular as other food legumes crop (Moyib et al., 2008). It is one of the neglected indigenous grain legumes in Nigeria. It is produced mostly in the eastern part of the country where it is consumed in different forms such as snacks, delicacy, man meal etc. It can be used for the fortification of other foods (Eke, 1997) The high protein content of African yam bean makes it an important...
ABSTRACT Ugba is a delicacy popular among the Ibo ethnic group of Nigeria, made by the fermentation of boiled seeds of African oil bean (Pentaclethra macrophyllea Benth). The microorganisms and compounds influencing the organoleptice properties of ugba were studied. The pure cultures of these microorganisms isolated from (ugba) sample produced by traditional method, were used in singles and in combinations to ferment African oil bean shreds. The ugba so fermented were analyzed organoleptical...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out to assess the food consumption pattern, lifestyle and body mass index of market women in Ikosi-isheri local government area of Lagos state. One hundred and fifty respondents were selected from two markets using random sampling method. Data were collected using 24-hour dietary recall, diet history, anthropometric data such as height, weight and body mass index was also calculated. The data was analyzed by using descriptive analysis such as frequency and per...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted primarily to evaluate the consumer acceptability of spiced composite bread. The socio-economic characteristics, spiced composite bread consumption pattern of the consumer and the purchase intent through the use of questionnaire were also determined using a structured questionnaire. The bread samples were evaluated in terms of appearance, taste, texture and overall liking using nine-point hedonic scale. Interestingly, over 95% of the consumers (N=200) rated s...
ABSTRACT Raw African Yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) was subjected to various processing methods Viz: steeping in water for 6 hr and then boiling for 10, 20, 30, minutes respectively (samples B); steeping in water for 12 hours and then boiling for 10, 20, 30, minutes respectively (sample C) and finally sample A was raw yam bean which served as control. The entire sample was dry – milled into fine flours. The glycosidic cyanide, crude protein, ash, moisture, some functional prop...
ABSTRACT The effect of different processing methods on the functional properties of Akpalata (Afzelia Africana) and Achi (Brachystegia spp) flours were investigated. Parameters studied included the proximate composition, functional properties and sensory evaluation. Results of the proximate showed that (1% moisture 13, fat 13.83%, Ash 5.3%, crude protein 17.76% crude fibre 2.8%, carbohydrate 47.78%)while functional properties results showed that (Emulsification Capacity 2.7%, Water absorptio...
ABSTRACT Proximate analysis of Pleurotus tuberregium was determined to ascertain its nutritional composition. the sample was analysed for its moisture, crude fibre, ash, fat, protein and carbohydrate content. Using the method of AOAC. The results for the analysis showed that the materials has moisture content of 2.5% ash content of 1.50%, fat content of 3.00%, crude fibre content of 3.02% and carbohydrate content of 89.32%. Carbohydrate has the highest composition of the nutrients. This in...
ABSTRACT Micro organisms associated in fermentation of castor bean seeds ogiri (COSO) were investigated. Organisms isolated include micrococcus, Bacillus and proteus. Soyabean paste was produced and divided into three portions; one portion was inoculated with the pure culture from caster bean seed 'ogiri' the second portion was inoculated with caster bean seed 'ogiri' (COSO) the rd part, the control was left without inoculation. Each of the three portions was subdivided into two to produce s...
ABSTRACT Biscuit was produced from malted sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and wheat flour blend. Sorghum grains were sorted, steeped in water, germinated and kilned. Four samples of biscuit were produced using sorghum and wheat in the following ratios samples A; 30: 70, sample B; 50:50, sample C; 60:40, sample D; 100:0. Creaming method was used in biscuit production with specified ingredients. Proximate analysis of the product (biscuit) was determinate viz. moisture content for sample A; 2.5%, B; ...
ABSTRACT Palm kernel, coconut and melon oils were extracted and refined. Their physical and chemical characteristics were examined. The refined oils were blended to produce three samples of margarine: palm kernel oil margarine (PKO), palm kernel and coconut oils margarine were tested for free fatty acid and Iodine value with the following results 0.27,0.84, 1.68 Free Fatty Acid, 17.77, 20.30, 21.57 Iodine value for PKO, PCO and PCM margarine respectively. These products were assessed organ...
ABSTRACT Starch was extracted from two varieties of sorghum bicolor grains (white and red varieties) steeped for 6, 8 and 12 hours by wet milling method, the starch samples were analysed for yield, functional properties and overall acceptability. The yield of the white variety ranged from 0.45 – 0.70kg and the red variety was 0.40 – 0.50kg. The result of their functional properties were as follows; Bulk density, white (0.700 – 0.733g/ml), red (0.723 – 0.753g/ml) G...