ABSTRACT Chemical and sensory evaluation of peanut butter using two varieties of peanut (arachis hypogea) Two varieties of peanut (Arachis hypogea) used for peanut butter making are Valencia from Gombe in Northern part of Nigeria and Virginia from Ogoja in cross-River state of Nigeria. The peanut butter obtained was evaluated chemically and sensually to determine the variety that performed better. Proximate analyses were carried on the samples. The result of there analyses showed ash 5%, mois...
ABSTRACT This work was aimed at assessing microbial coal of Idodo river in Enugu state Nigeria. The samples of river was obtained from the arc of low activity, and a place where human activities are very high. The samples were collected very early in the morning and afternoon. They were examined to determined the bacterial organisms that are pathogenic to man when they drink it from the samples were inoculated into media. Nutrient agar and macconkey agar media and incubate at the temper...
ABSTRACT The prevalence of viral hepatitis B among patients in National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu was studied. The samples comprised that of men , woman and children 200 in numbers, all patient of orthopedic Hospital Enugu. Laboratory investigation done were this HBs tested which 110 patient out of the 200 patients tested positive, and liver function tests found abnormal in almost all the patients that tested positive to HBsAG routine test. The commonest clinical presentations were fever ...
ABSTRACT Microbial examination of spoilt Avocado fruits was carried out to obtained the causal organism. A total of 60 avocado from Ogbete Main market and New market Enugu were examined by culturing on nutrient agar and sabourand dextrose agar (SM), for bacteria and fungi causing post – harvest spoilage on the fruits; six bacterial species and six fungal species were isolated. The bacteria include Erwinia SP (66.7%), Streptococcus sp, *25%), E. Coli (18.9%) and staphycoccus sp ...
ABSTRACT A comparative study was done on the physico-chemical and antioxidant properties of some culinary herbs and local spices. Piper Guiness (Uziza), Xylopia aethopica (Uda), Monodora Myristica (Ehuru) and Trtraleura Tetraopera (Oshsho). The proximate analysis of these spices were done to determine their moisture content, ash content, crude fat crude fibre and protein content. Extraction of the Oleorasin from the spices and soybean oil were done using soxhlet extraction unit with hex...
ABSTRACT Fix locally sourced citrus fruit (orange citrus sinners) tangerine (citrus reticulate) lemon citrus lemoni) (Lime (citrus aurantifolis) and Grape (citrus paradist) were mixed together to produce mixed fruit drink. Different ratios of orange, tangerine lemon, lime and Grape fruit juice in this order were blended together, sample A 9:5:1:1:1, B5:2:1:1:1: C 4:3:2:2:2: D6:1:1:1:1:1: Quality parameter tested and the result obtained are Vit C A 16.12,B 17. 34, C 24.20, D23.47 and E10.48 ...
ABSTRACTDigestive and gingerroot biscuits were produced from composite flour blends cassava flour, peanut butter, wheat flour and ginger flavour in different ratio mix digestive biscuit (50 : 50; 10 : 30 : 60 and 10 : 90 ), Ginger biscuit (10 : 25 : 60 : 5, 10 : 85 and 50 : 45 : 5) respectively. Creaming method was used in the production of biscuits with the specified ingredients. Proximate analysis of the products were also determined; moisture content (1.5 :“ 4.5%), protein content (0.5 -...
ABSTRACT Saccharomyces cerevisiae was isolated from the fermenting sap of flaeis guinneensis. The yeast isolate was used in dough proofing at different temperatures. The samples B, C, D, E, and F, (containing the same ingredients) were leavened at 200 c, 250 c, 300 c and 40 c respectively. Similarly, sample A which served as the contol was leavened at 30c. the following proof heights were recorded 3.3cm, 1.9 cm, 23cm, 3.5cm, 3.6cm and 2.5cm respectively for the proofing period, samples D an...
ABSTRACT Study of effect of storage time on the functional properties of wheat (Triticum Aestivum) and Bambrara Groundnut (Voandzeia Subteranea) Flour Blends. The flour blends comprised of wheat (WT) 1005, Banbaranut (BG) 100%, WBZO 70% wheat and 30% Bambaradnut, WB20 80% wheat and 20% Bambara and WBSO, 50% wheat and 50% Bambara. The blends was stored and monitor for their functional properties over a period of four months. The results of the determination of these properties showed that th...
ABSTRACT The study explored the potentials of substituting breadfruit into cassava to obtain gari analogueofwhich proximate and mineral compositions were evaluated. A portion of matured but unripe breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) and mature cassava tubers were co-fermented (100:0, 0:100, 80:20, 70:30, and 60: 40 Cassava to Breadfruit) to obtain gari analogue. The samples were evaluated for proximate and mineral analyses. Data obtained were subjected to descriptive and inferential s...
ABSTRACT This research work is on the effect of packaging materials on the functional properties of white garri. in the research work ,three packaging materials were used, namely rice bag, baco bag and plastic bowl. The functional properties that were tested for in this research work were bulk density wettability, gelation capacity, pH, gelatinization temperature, oil absorption capacity, and water absorption capacity. The result of the experiment gave the following bulk density, the value va...
ABSTRACT Majority of farmers in Nigeria harvest a large proportion of maize under conditions of high humidity, and sadly enough, they lack equipment for drying the grains. The farmers store the grains at conditions of high moisture and humidity which results in growth of organisms that cause deterioration. One of the most important operations carried out for the preservation of maize is dehydration. It helps to reduce the moisture content of the grains to a level in which spoilage...
ABSTRACT Saccharomyces cerevisiae was isolated from the fermenting sap of flaeis guinneensis. The yeast isolate was used in dough proofing at different temperatures. The samples B, C, D, E, and F, (containing the same ingredients) were leavened at 200 c, 250 c, 300 c and 40 c respectively. Similarly, sample A which served as the contol was leavened at 30c. the following proof heights were recorded 3.3cm, 1.9 cm, 23cm, 3.5cm, 3.6cm and 2.5cm respectively for the proofing period, samples D an...
ABSTRACT A study was carried out on the physico – chemical properties of fluted pumpkin seeds (Telferia occidentalis) flours. The 1st two flour samples were obtained by boiling for 1 hr in 0.5% solution for Nacl, and .5% solution of Na2 S04 respectively. The 2nd two samples were obtained by soaking for 12 hrs in 0.5% soln of Nacl, and 0.5% soln of Na2 So4 respectively. The control was neither soaked; F4, F6, F5, F7, and F8 respectively. All the samples were dried milled and sieved to...
ABSTRACT This study targeted two sweet potato varieties; TIS 87/0087, Umuspo3, evaluating their performance as composite flour with wheat at (30:70%) and (50:50%) respectively. Quality characteristics of the resultant production was analysed to ascertain its sensory properties. The Acceptable cake were produced from 70% wheat and 30% orange sweet potato flour (Sample 312) with regards to the colour due to the brilliant orange hue on it, it was accepted over Sample 309 (100% wheat flour). Sa...