A BSTRA CT The consumer’s perception of quality has been identified as the benchmark for quality around which all processing and marketing activities must revolve in order to achieve maximum profitability in industry, hi spite of this awareness, the consumer’s perception o f quality is yet to be fully understood to enable manufacturers translate consumer needs and expectations into business success. A number o f factors account for this failure including the complexity, subjectivity and m...
ABSTRACT Solar dryers have become important components for the delivery of dried agricultural products of high quality. They generally are designed to maximize the production of a heating system based on solar radiation. This study involved the design, building and testing of a control system to allow the monitoring of temperature, solar radiations and control of humidity in a Photovoltaic (PV)- Greenhouse Solar Dryer (PVGSD). This was accomplished by assembling a solar charge controller, thr...
ABSTRACT Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) has been a significant public health problem in the developing world. Fortification has been identified as one o f the most cost-effective and sustainable approaches for controlling IDA. Addition of various bionutritional substances creates several technical challenges for the Food Technologists and therefore it is necessary to maintain the overall quality o f the product in terms o f the bioavailability o f the fortifying agent. The main objective...
ABSTRACT Cowpeas are a relatively inexpensive source of proteins and vitamin B. Unfortunately, the problem of insect infestation is one of the main constraints to the efficient and widespread utilisation of cowpeas. The hydrothermal treatment which involves the exposure of cowpeas to steam followed by drying has been used effectively in protecting cowpeas against the insect infestations. This study set out to assess the functional, chemical and textural changes associated with the hydro...
ABSTRACT Cocoa beans are the main ingredient for making chocolate and in Ghana, it is a major contributor to the economy as it generates an annual foreign exchange of about US $2 billion. The ability to produce high quality cocoa beans free from moulds and mycotoxin contamination has therefore become critical due to the impact mycotoxins have on health of consumers and global trade. This study investigated changes in fungal growth, mycotoxin concentrations, physico-chemical properties and coc...
ABSTRACT The prevalence of under nutrition in many communities requires the need for the availability of nutrient dense affordable food supplements such as Ready-to-use supplementary foods. An energy dense, drinkable ready to use supplementary food produced by enzyme hydrolysis of cooked mixture of peanuts, cowpeas and rice with added vitamin mineral mix was both acceptable to consumers and showed promise of efficacy in improving the nutritional status of women of child bearing age through ...
ABSTRACT Open sun drying (OSD) has been a fish processing method for ages. In Ghana women form a large number of processors. Post-harvest losses still prevail in the trade due to poor fish handling, processing and storage which results in poor quality of dried fish. Solar drying has been introduced to improve on quality of OSD dried fish. A survey of open sun drying practices (OSD) at Kasoa (Central Region) and Tema (Greater Accra Region) showed poor hygiene practices and low value of product...
ABSTRACT. The evolution of extrusion into cereal processing has widened the available assortment of puffed snack foods and ready-to-eat (RTE) breakfast cereal formulations. In producing these nutritious products, cereals can be fortified with pulse proteins, as these legumes are important sources of food proteins and other nutrients. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used in investigating the effects of 3 process variables (viz. Cowpea level, groundnut level and feed moisture) on pr...
ABSTRACT Cocoa is the mainstay of the economy of Ghana as it contributes about 28% of foreign exchange earnings. In recent times, cocoa has come under scrutiny because of high levels of heavy metals which are generally considered toxic. Due to the toxicity of these metals, there have been several agitations to reduce their levels as much as possible in foods; thus the setting up of stringent standards in several countries which in most cases are not supported by any scientific basis. T...
ABSTRACT In this study, the appropriate technology for processing three indigenous spices for enhancement of their quality and flavour retention was investigated. Some freshly harvested fruits of Tetrapleura tetraptera (oshorisho), Xylopia aethiopica (uda) and Piper nigrum (uziza) were processed in ground and liquid forms, and packaged and stored in plastic cans, high density polyethylene and metal cans for six months. The samples were analysed for some non – sensory quality attribu...
Globally the industrial utilization of pepper is moving from the use of conventional powder to the extracts consequent upon their technical and economic benefits. Nigeria should not be left out of this global trend as a result of the enormous quantity of pepper extracts now used in the food industries.The antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Capsicum frutescens was assessed in this study. The physicochemical properties of essential oil obtained from fresh and dried pepper was carried ou...
ABSTRACT Irradiation is a processing technology for improving the safety and quality by extending the shelf-life of food products. Effect of γ-irradiation (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 kGy) on color, functional and pasting properties of flours and starches of five cultivars of rice was investigated. Color (L, a, and b) of non- and γ-irradiated rice cultivars was measured, and the deltachroma (DC), color difference (DE) and hue angle were calculated. Functional and physicochemical (pasting) of the mill...
INTRODUCTION Diabetes mellitus often simply referred to as diabetes, is a group of chronic metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced, this high blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst) and polyphagia (increased hunger) (Shoback et al., 2011).There are three main types of diabetes mellitus (DM...