ABSTRACT This research work is aimed at evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of fraud control techniques employed in Nigeria commercial banks. The compilation of this research work is structured into five chapters covering very relevant details relating the topics. The types, causes and effect of fraud on individual, banks and on Nigeria economy was discussed. Also various control techniques employed by Nigerian commercial banks in curtailing the incidence of bank frauds was enumerated...
ABSTRACT The main objective of this study is to critically examine the challenges facing the banking sector in Nigeria after consolidation exercise. The reason for embarking on this is therefore to probe into the challenges and see how those post consolidation challenges can impact and also act as a strengthening factor in the banking industry. data used for this work were obtained from the result of survey i.e. questionnaire, and literature review which can also be called primary and sec...
ABSTRACT In view of the importance of the system of budgeting and budgetary control as the basic for evaluating performance, it is worth considering the effectiveness of the principle of budgetary control more closely in relation to government owned companies in Nigeria with the power holding company of Nigeria (PHCN) plc, as a focus point, the chattered institute of management accounting defined budgetary control as “establishment of budgets relating to the responsibility of executive to t...
ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between selected key performance indicators on share price of Nigerian banks. To achieve the objective of this study, four banks operating in the Nigerian banking industry were selected and analyzed for the study using judgmental sampling technique. In addition, the corporate annual reports for the period 2007-2011 were used for the study. The study modeled the effect of EPS, ROA, and NAVPS on the share price of listed operating firm in the Nig...
INTRODUCTION The financial control of the Public Purse is in the hands of Government administration. Government business whether in form of policies, programmes, activities or functions, are formalities that become rigorous especially in relation to the accounting and reporting for the collection and use of government fund which supports the process of governance. Public accountability is not a new phenomenon it is old as man in his social relations with his fellowman. This is because in a...
INTRODUCTION Accounting Principles as a term is said to be a set of rules that govern accounting practices. They are rules that companies must follow when preparing and reporting financial statements. These principles are meant to be followed and adhered to in the determination and measurement of assets, liabilities, income and expenses for financial reporting. Accounting standards on its own are pronouncements or statement issued by accounting regulatory bodies such as Financial Accounting ...
INTRODUCTION Within the last thirty years, there have been quite some revolutionary changes in the application of accounting techniques to assist all grades of management in achieving efficiency by the presentation of suitable financial information. This revolution in the application of accounting technique has been a difficult task in Nigeria both in public and private sectors of the economy. For example in government sector, to convince administrators of the advantages to be derived from in...
INTRODUCTION Since the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern protectorates of Nigeria in 1914 by Sir Lord Fredrick Lugard, there had been this sporadic attempt to restructure local governments, assign functions to them and establish district frame work for separation of powers between the executive, legislature and, the carrier servants in administration of local governments in Nigeria. The above was not realized until after the 1979 constitution when the civilian government made little e...
INTRODUCTION The success of every business organization has on the volume of its working capital. The volume of a business working capital determines the extent of its operation. Adequate working capital fund enhances an organization’s operations, create room for expansion enable a business to plan and achieve targets. Hardly can a business operate optimally without adequate working capital fund to enable it operate successfully and overcome some business challenges. Working capital is def...
ABSTRACT This research work is an attempt made to enforce the roles played by internal audit department in the public sector towards the appraisal of management efficiency. There are five chapters that represent the main topic of discussions of the project. The introductory part of the project is written in chapter one comprising background of the study, statement of problem, goals to be actualized, scope and limitations, which I encountered as a student were clearly stated. Important terms u...
INTRODUCTION Accounting can be defined as an act recording classifying, summarizing and reporting of business transaction for preparation periodic statement of performance and caused to provide information to management for decision making. It’s an act of controlling a business by keeping records, preparing form those records certain statistics called ‘ accounting ration” and using those rations to detect financial difficulties before they become serious and uncontrolled so that ce...
ABSTRACT An economy moves as efficiently on inefficiently as the people who manage its affairs. Business cannot thrive if we do not have an adequate number of men with their requisite knowledge, skill and competence. It is in recognition of these fact that an effort is made in this research work to show the impact of Auditing in public sector. For the sake of clarity a and orderly presentation of relevant materials, the body of this work is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is ...
ABSTRACT Auditing provides means of appraising companies performance and diagnosing its ills and weakness. The researcher conducted a critical study on this topic with the intention of finding out the extent to which the company Nigeria breweries plc. Aba has carried out efficiently appraised and highlighted deficiencies and inefficiencies which are usually believed as not existing and whether the company Nigeria breweries plc, Aba is as efficient as it should be. The researcher also carried ...
ABSTRACT The study highlights the application of the cost-volume-profit analysis in a manufacturing company. The study to determine the resultant effect of inefficiency in cost-volume-profit analysis application. It aims at examining the impact of cost-volume-profit (C.V.P) analysis in terms of its application and relevance to the profitability of manufacturing industry. The research methodology was design in a manner that ensured the adequate representation of the manufacturing sector ...
ABSTRACT The title of this research work is, Social accounting as a method of the impact of development activities’’ with particular referent to Nsukka local Government Area in Enugu State. It has been identified that accounting and financial reporting in the public sector particularly at the local government level was not given adequate attention. In the course of coining out this study, the following objectives among other were set which included The identification of major ca...