ABSTRACT This study investigates and examination of the role of cooperative thrift and credit societies to the development of urban area. The study was based on the orphanage mother multipurpose cooperative society. The research reviews the literature of related study and was duly acknowledge data collected through constructed questionnaires methods, comprising members of the study area. Using simple random techniques. The perceptible equations and tabular illustration were used to present da...
ABSTRACT This work is a deliberate attempt to research into the financial problems of agricultural co-operatives in Enugu State (A case study of Udi L.G.A), It centers mainly on terms in all the different towns that make up Udi Local Government Area and fact were gathered through direct interviews with the agricultural officers on the area and finally date relating to agricultural co-operatives form the local government area headquarters from the town under study were carefully and randomly ...
ABSTRACT The aim of this project work is to examine the roles of Agricultural activities in economic development under cooperative societies. Using the following selected farmer’s cooperative society ltd. Reg. NO EC 1010, Agbede Akpugo farmer’s multi purpose cooperative society ltd. Reg No EC 1520 Agbani Nkanu farmers multi-purpose co-operative society ltd Reg NO 520 and Obe Nkanu women farmers multi-purpose cooperative society Ltd. Reg NO AN 1260 Nkanu West Local Government Ar...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this work was to examine the marketing and distribution of activities of co-operative societies. The researcher stated the under listed objectives to identify the problems of marketing and distribution of agricultural produce, to address to problem of transportation in marketing and distribution of agricultural produce and to recommend ways government could assist in marketing and distributions of agricultural produce. The area of the study was Ihiala Local Government...
ABSTRACT The researcher investigated the impact of co-operative society in promotion of self-reliance and small scale enterprise especially in Idemili-South local government area of Anambra state. In order to find out the role co-operative play, the staff and the selected member of Idemili-south co-operative societies were sampled. Due to the inability of the research to the study the entire population, sample, sizes of 79 were selected wing chi-square statistical technique out of 79 questio...
ABSTRACT The study focuses on credit mobilization challenges of agricultural cooperative societies in Anambra State and its implications for rural development. The study covered two local government areas, namely Awka North and South in the state. Hundred and fourteen (114) members of four cooperative societies purposely drawn were sampled for the study. Data were collected mainly through questionnaire while description statistics frequencies, percentages were applied in the analysis. The ...
ABSTRACT This study automatically reveals the essence of education to cooperative society because education brings development and knowledge. Education brings about globalization. The Role of National Board for Technical Education which will help the cooperative societies to enhance in growth and development in the society. Questionnaires were administered to the three cooperative schools which were selected and analysis were based on the returned questionnaire. This has helped to di...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research work is to foster the Role of farmers multi-purpose co-operative societies in Umuahia North; more consciously as an instrument for achieving increased agricultural productivity. Government objective in agriculture is to attain self-sufficiency in food production and agricultural raw materials for the Agro-bused industries and to earn foreign exchange from exporting agriculture produce. The researcher, also discovered that agricultural cooperatives in Umu...
ABSTRACT This research work was carried out mainly to investigate the problems of group farming co-operative societies in rural areas (A case study of Oji River local government area of Enugu State), the research was conducted among the Chairman, secretaries, working committers and members of the farmers co-operative in Oji River in the course of the study, questionnaire were used to elicit information for the study and review of related problems of group farmers co-operatives in the rural a...
ABSTRACT The vital role played by insurance in every developed nation of the world is invaluable. However, its penetration in the economy of Nigeria as a nation is at is lowest ebb. The abundant benefits derivable from insurance are enormous yet marketing this product is fraught with challenges. One factor held respondent for this is the poor settlement of claims. This work therefore is aimed at determining the effect of prompt claim settlement as a tool for marketing insurance service...
ABSTRACT This research was carried out to investigate the problems facing agricultural co-operative societies in rural areas of Enugu State. A study of selected agricultural co-operative societies in Enugu East Local government Areas from the background, it was known that some agricultural co-operatives in Enugu State has experience quick level unproductive due the problems existing before and present. However, the capital technological and managerial requirement of the business are hardly m...
ABSTRACT The research work on increasing agricultural output through the activities of co-operative societies in Enugu State “using agricultural co-operative in Igbo Etiti L.G.A as a case study was carried out to survey the past programmes and policies constituted by government to mobilize peasant farmers into facilitating the attainment of self sufficiency in agricultural output. The constraints that affects the achievement of the objective of these agricultural co-operatives and how ...
ABSTRACT The research work on “Increasing Agricultural Output Through the Activities of Co-operative Societies in Enugu Stateâ€, using Agricultural Co-operative in Enugu East as a case Study was carried out of survey the part programmes and policies constituted by government to mobilized peasant farmers into agricultural Co-operatives and the functional ones more productive as a way of facilitating the attainment of self sufficiency in agricultural output. The constraint that affe...
ABSTRACT Auditing is an objective and systematic examination of accounts of an organization as to enable an auditor to make a report on the balance sheet and or other statements, which have been extracted therefore to those whom he is appointed to report. The selected co-operative societies were critically examined with a view to finding out the role of auditing as essential, tool for effective management and control of cooperative businesses. Data was collected the use of questionnaire, per...
PROPOSAL Cooperatives which have been in existence for the past centrally still exist in our conteporaly time today due to certain factors which is the case of study in this project. But for the umpteenth time people still mistake motives with factors for joining cooperatives. However the purpose of this project is to find out the factors that can influence the establishment of cooperatives in Owerri L.G.A. An attempt will be made to distinguish the term mortise from factors tha...