Gender and Development Studies Research Papers/Topics


This paper interrogates the question of using micro-enterprise development for meeting women's strategic interests. Using conceptual analysis and specific case studies, it examines paradigm shifts in development and their implications for gender equity and social justice questions. In the process, it reveals shifts in paradigms; namely, development for versus development with the people, efficiency versus equity, and welfarism versus empowerment. It then examines the implications of the shift...

Knowledge of menstruation and fertility among adults in rural Western Kenya: Gaps and opportunities for support

Abstract/Overview An understanding of menstruation and its relationship to fertility can help women know the gestational age of any pregnancies, and thus identify preterm births. It can also help women avoid unintended pregnancies. However, little is known about women, and especially men’s, menstruation and fertility knowledge, outside of research on adolescent girl’s stigma, and in low and middle income countries(LMIC). Additionally, little is known about practices surrounding the tr...