Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this study is to measure the current levels of awareness of communication skills among academic librarians in degree-awarding institutions of Pakistan and to identify barriers that libraries, with the support of organizational stakeholders, could target to enhance adoption and / or improvement of these skills. Design/methodology/approach – Quantitative research design, based on a Web-based survey method, used a questionnaire as the data collection too...
The research sheds light on electronic information services and focuses on the full texts electronic databases (dissertations, theses, and electronic books) and the possibility of making them available to library workers for the purpose of updating database and supplementing it with all library holdings from electronic resources, as well as for the library users who needs Electronic resources. The research aims to establish a wireless local network with mesh technology to provide electronic i...
This research paper explains the usage of the N-LIST E-resources among the student and faculty members of the various select Degree Colleges affiliated to Panjab University, Chandigarh. A questionnaire method was used as a tool for collection of data from the 32 select degree colleges in Punjab and Chandigarh. The total data was collected from the 466 out of 513 respondents. The total response rate is 90.84%. Out of 466 respondents, total 286 are users (faculty and student) respondents ...
Introduction “The term Industry 4.0 stands for thefourth industrial revolution defi ned as anew level of organization and controlover the entire value chain of products.It is aimed at the increasinglyrequirements of individual customers.(Vaidya et al., 2018). The FourthIndustrial revolution is changing howwe live, work and communicate. Somebest examples are self-driving cars,online shopping, drone delivery servicesetc. Students today need to stay relevantfor future job markets, as artific...