Political Science Research Papers/Topics

The Effects Of The Supreme Court Ruling By Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku In The Case Of Nyamande And Anor V Zuva On Labour Relations: The Case Of Zimbabwe’s Parastatals

Abstract Zimbabwe is facing a huge amount of inequity in terms of labour relations due to the Supreme Court ruling of 17 July 2015 by Chief Justice Godfrey Chidyausiku in the case of Nyamande and Anor V Zuva. This instability within parastatals has become a common feature as the ruling triggered mass terminations on notice without benefits. Morale within the work place subsequently hit a low and by the end of September 2015 it had led to over 30 000 job terminations. The rights workers had pr...

An Analysis Of The Contribution Of Donor Aid To Rural Development In Zimbabwe: The Case Of Zhombe East, 2013-2017..

ABSTRACT The research aimed at analyzing the contribution of donor aid to rural development in Zimbabwe, taking Zhombe East as the case study from 2013-2017. This study was undertaken so as to have an evaluation on the work being done by donor organizations that are in Zhombe East on the rural community. Most of the development socially and economically in the area has much to do with donor organizations like Plan International however, there has been debate that these organizations have a hi...

An Assessment Of The Chinese Geopolitical Interests In Africa: A Case Of Zimbabwe-China Bilateral Engagements From 2003-2015

Abstract The China-Africa relationship has been showing its frailties as build on capitalist matrices in nature, with China being a capitalistic sadist and Africa a masochist. Unlike the West which uses philanthropy a guise for their misanthropy, China has an economically palatable approach called investment, which bring more complication to the African polyandry dilemma (state of being caught in between the Capitalist giants and pseudo communist giants). The Zimbabwe-China engagement present...

The Impact Of Religion In Shaping The Political Processes And Outcomes In Zimbabwe. The Case Of Zvishavane, 2008-2015.

ABSTRACT The political-theological problem has been a hot air since Ancient Greece philosophy until the modern political philosophers ranging from Weber, Machiavelli, Nieschtze, Marx among others who declared the death of the religion on the public sphere and being buried by modernity and secularism in the private sphere. The philosophers went on to predict the vanishing of religion even in the private sphere at an earlier stage than now. With the religious groups gaining prominence in the pu...

Impact Of The Indigenisation Policy On Youth Development In Zimbabwe From 2010-2014. A Case Study Of Gweru Urban.

ABSTRACT Since Zimbabwe’s political independence in 1980, the government has been making efforts of trying to raise the living standards of the young people through various means. However, because of a variety of challenges and other factors like colonial policies, national divisions, illiteracy, selfishness and a poorly performing economy amongst others, unemployment has continued to affect the youths in Zimbabwe. In Zimbabwe youth constitute a large percentage of the population but they w...

“An Assessment Of Strategy Implementation In Zimbabwe’s Public Sector” An Empirical Study Of The Ministry Of Health And Child Care 2009-2015.

ABSTRACT The practice of strategy implementation has been important especially to public sector organizations in Zimbabwe as they complement government national policies and for key survival for government Ministries. Though a lot has been written about strategy implementation focusing on other organizations locally, regional, and international quite a few has been looked at about strategy implementation in Zimbabwe public sector. In this case this has made the researcher to research about st...

An Analysis Of The Role Of Security Service In Promoting Peace, Security And Development In Zimbabwe: A Case Study Of Zimbabwe Prison And Correctional Services (ZPCS).

Abstract. Zimbabwe Prison and Correctional Services (ZPCS) cannot afford to adequate resources for prisoners from various prison centers. These centers are Chikurubi Maximum Prison, Mutimurefu Prison, Mutare Prison, Harare Central Prison and Whawha Medium Prison. Prisoners are facing challenges to access health facilities and good hygiene, transport, food, clothes and other basic items which they may need for example sanitary pads for women . Juveniles lack stationary to upgrade themselves in...

The Rationale Behind Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy Re-Alignment In The Context Of Re-Engaging The West (2009 - 2016)

Abstract This research examined the rationale or the fundamental reasons behind the recent Zimbabwe’s foreign policy re-alignment in the context of re-engaging the West. Several aspects were looked at by the researcher so as to establish the reasons why Zimbabwe should engage. The main reason being the current economic situation in Zimbabwe where the Finance Ministry is at times even struggling to pay the civil servants, there is high rate of unemployment and the university graduates are no...

A Critical Analysis Of The Impact Of Factionalism On Political Development In Zimbabwe, The Case Study Of Zanu Pf

ABSTRACT Factionalism in ZANU PF has achieved a few difficulties to political advancement in Zimbabwe, obviously MDC has had its own particular decent amount of factionalism however the effects were never had an inclination than the present factionalism in ZANU PF. The wild factionalism in ZANU PF swelled since the December 2014 gathering where a few ZANU PF individuals confronted the ZANU-PF hatchet counting the then VP Joyce Mujuru ,from that point forward poor Zimbabweans still keep on fee...

An Analysis Of Employee Motivational Strategies On Organizational Effectiveness In Zimbabwean Parastatals: Case Of The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission & Distribution Company (ZETDC) From 20

ABSTRACT Employee motivation is an essential tool in promoting organizational effectiveness. Basically, motivational strategies are factors that rejuvenate the degree of employees‟ commitment. At the same time organizational effectiveness denotes the ability of an organization to fulfill its required obligations. ZETDC has been perceived by its clients as rude, incompetent and negligent thus leading to corporate damage. The attitudes and behaviors of employees at ZETDC have been expressed t...

Poverty Alleviation Through Land Reform: The Case Of Central Estate Ressettlement In Chirumhanzu 2004-2014

Abstract This study was aimed at finding out whether land resettlement indeed achieved poverty eradication, using the case of Central Estate Resettlement in Chirumhanzu, to ascertain whether or not resettled farmers in Central Estate in Chirumhanzu have managed to eradicate poverty through accessing land and produce cash crops. A couple of literature on sustainable livelihoods, including relevant model, was reviewed focusing on aspects such as community assets, adaptive strategies and technol...

The Impact Of Partisan Politics On Service Delivery In Zimbabwe’s Local Authorities: The Case Of Kadoma City Council, 2000-2015.

ABSTRACT Partisan politics has become an obstacle to countries in Africa and the rest of the world. Zimbabwe, like other African countries, has implemented reforms to decentralize political authority to local government and introduce multiparty elections. This however creates opportunities for partisanship struggles to emerge in local authorities and influence service delivery. In this document it was found that partisan politics undermines service delivery in Kadoma in several ways. Many loc...

An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Revenue Collection Strategies On Enhancing The Financial Position Of Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Developing effective ways in revenue collection has been an important matter in tax and revenue collection. The study explored the strategies and the advent of new instruments that had been put in place by ZIMRA to help revenue collection to be effective. This was to significantly enhance revenue collection in all Departments. Implementation of innovative revenue collection strategies was supposed to improve its organization structures, training, manpower planning, developing teamwor...

The Influence Of Security Sector In Governance, Case Study Of The Zimbabwe National Army From 1980 To 2015

Abstract The paper examines the influence of the security sector in governance, a case study of Zimbabwe National Army from 1980 till 2015. Such a topic has been necessitated culminating from Zimbabwe experiencing the deployment of military personnel to strategic positions in various state institutions responsible for governance hence affecting economic and political governance positively and negatively. The research aims to find out why the ZNA fail to divorce itself from the ruling party ZA...

An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Restoration Of Family Links (RFL) To African Refugees By The Red Cross In Zimbabwe: The Case Of Tongogara Refugee Camp

Abstract The global village has seen a significant margin of persons who are not living in their countries of origin but somewhere beyond their national borders as refuges. Therefore this study sought to analyze the effectiveness of Restoration of Family Links (RFL) to African refugees and the case study was Tongogara refugee camp in Zimbabwe. The research revealed that restoration of family links improves displaced persons in issues of health, performance and behavior. In the same vein, rela...

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