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ABSTRACT  The industrial waste and metal by-products such as steel fibers, synthetic fibers, carbon fibers and steel particles can be used as reinforcement materials since they possess reinforcement properties. Steel particles are produced in millions of tons per year as waste material in metal shops. This enormous waste is currently not being harnessed productively in the metal shops in the Central Region of the Republic of Ghana. In most cases, they are indiscriminately dumped into the...

Effect of Fibre Aspect Ratio of Palm Bunch Fibre on Some Physical and Strength Properties of Concrete

ABSTRACT  The natural fibres, abundantly available in nature and also generated as agricultural waste, can be used advantageously in improving certain physical and strength properties of cement matrix and concrete. As compared to fibres widely used in construction activities viz. steel, glass carbon synthetic etc., these are advantageous in the sense that they are renewable, non-abrasive, cheaper, comparatively more flexible etc. Also, the health and safety concerns during their handlin...

The Use of Ground Vehicular Tyre as Partial Replacement for Sand in Concrete Pavement Blocks Production

ABSTRACT  The use of accumulated waste materials in Ghana is still in its early phases. It will take courage for contractors and others in the construction industry to recycle selected types of waste materials for concrete products. The main objective of this research was to investigate the feasibility of using ground vehicular tyre (GVT) as a partial replacement for sand in the production of concrete pavement blocks. In this study cement, sand, quarry dust, coarse aggregate, and ground...

The Use of Palm Kernel Shell Ash as Cement Extender in Concrete

ABSTRACT  The national housing policy of Ghana which was approved by cabinet in 2010, advocates the use of local building materials for the construction of buildings. It is against this background, that in recent years many studies have been conducted to find cheap but useful local building materials to replace the conventional ones which are to some extent expensive. Cement is one of the most important elements in building construction works which is relatively expensive. This research...

Effects of blast furnace slag on chloride permeability of concrete cured at elevated temperatures

ABSTRACT Concrete made from ordinary Portland cement continues to be used as the main construction materials because of its durability and strength characteristics in service life. But the contrary becomes the case when such concrete is exposed to aggressive environment created by the prevalence of chloride ions that are common in marine/coastal environment characterized by temperature extremes, that is peculiar to Nigeria. Hot marine and coastal environment, constitute an aggressive environm...

Environmental Benefits of the Structural Use of Pulverised Bone in the Production of Foamed Aerated Concrete

Abstract Disposal of wastes resulting from myriads of human activities continues to be a problem especially in developing nations, where effective and efficient wastes disposal system is lacking. This paper presents the result of the study conducted to investigate the environmental benefits of using pulverized bone - obtained from bones generated as waste from abattoirs and slaughter slabs - in the production of structural foamed aerated concrete. Some of the properties investigated into are ...

Low-Cost Construction through the Use of Pulverized Bone Foamed Aerated Concrete (PB-FAC)

Abstract Provision of affordable housing especially for low-income earners, which forms the majority of the population, continues to be elusive in the nations of world. The major reason given for this is the high cost of building and construction materials. Concrete and concrete products constitute the major building construction materials. However, cement which is the main binder in concrete production has been identified as the major contributor to increasing high cost of construction. This...

28-Day Strength Predicting Model for Foamed Aerated Concrete Containing Pulverized Bone as a Partial Replacement of Cement

Abstract: This paper presents the results of a mathematical model developed for predicting the 28-day compressive strength of foamed aerated concrete containing pulverised bone as partial replacement of cement for the purpose of quality controls. Strength-porosity relation was used as a basis for the development of the model, and the Bisection Methods of Numerical analysis was used to evaluate the inherent constants. For all the percentages of cement replacement with pulverised bone, the exp...


ABSTRACT The transfer of stress from a deformed bar to the concrete is achieved by mechanical locking of the steel into the surrounding concrete. This interfacial bond strength between steel and the surrounding concrete is an important factor influencing the strength and durability of reinforced concrete structure. This paper presents the result of investigation conducted to find out the bond performance of reinforcement from different manufacturer. 12 mm and 16 mm diameter steel specimens fr...


ABSTRACT This work presents the results of investigation conducted to assess the suitability of polyvinyl waste powder (PWP) as partial replacement of cement in the production of concrete. Up to 50% by weight of cement was replaced with PWP at interval of 10%. The parameters investigated are: the chemical composition of polyvinyl waste powder (PWP) and the setting times of cement-polyvinyl paste. Also investigated in concrete containing polyvinyl powder were: workability, density, compressive...

Flexural Performance of Bamboo Reinforced Foamed Aerated Concrete Beams With and Without Compression Reinforcement

AbstractThe results of investigation conducted to evaluate the flexural performance of foamed aerated concrete beams with bamboo splints as tensile reinforcement, but with and without shear links are reported in this paper. The properties assessed are: density, compressive strength, crack pattern, deflection, and failure and moments. Foamed aerated concrete, having a cement-sand ratio of 1:3 was prepared. For foam generation, foaming agent and water in the ratio of 1:33 was prepared. A total ...

Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Containing Polyvinyl Waste Powder (PWP) as Replacement of Cement

ABSTRACT The flexural performance of reinforced concrete beam specimens with polyvinyl waste powder (PWP) as partial replacement of cement is reported in this paper. Cement was replaced with PWP up to 50% by weight at intervals of 10%. The flexural parameters investigated were: the failure patterns, load-deflection characteristics, stiffness, and ultimate moments. The reinforced beam specimens used were 150 x 150 x 1000 mm, and tests were done at the curing age of 28 days. The results showed ...

Effect of Foam Concentration on Structural Characteristics of Steel Reinforced Aerated Concrete Beams

ABSTRACT This work presents the results of investigation conducted to evaluate the effect of foam concentration on the structural properties of steel- reinforced foamed aerated concrete beams. The properties investigated were the density, compressive strength, shear strength, and flexural strength. Relationships between compressive strengths and densities were developed, as well as comparison between the compressive strengths and the shear strengths. The foam concentrate/water ratios adopted ...

Some Properties of Concrete Containing Aluminum Roofing Sheet Waste (ARSW) as Partial Replacement of Cement

Abstract This paper presents the results of investigation conducted to evaluate the properties of concrete containing aluminum Roofing Sheet Waste as partial replacement of cement by weight. The properties investigated included the setting times of cement-ARSW paste, workability, density, compressive strength using 168 numbers of 150 x 150 x 150 mm cube specimens. The chemical compositions and pozzolanic properties were also investigated. The results showed that: (I.) the chemical composition...

Flexural performance of foam concrete containing pulverised bone as partial replacement of cement

Abstract: This paper presents the results of a study conducted to investigate the flexural behaviour of foam concrete containing pulverised bone as partial replacement of cement. A total of sixty reinforced beams (150×150×750 mm) were used to investigate the flexural behaviour of the specimens. For reinforcement of the beams, hot-rolled, deformed 10-mm-diameter bars with yield and ultimate stresses of 478.10 N/mm2 and 710.81 N/mm2 respectively were used. The cement constituent of the mix wa...

61 - 75 Of 243 Results