ABSTRACTThe termination of pregnancies most generally known as “abortion” is a universal phenomenon occurring throughout all levels of societal organization and recorded history. often hundreds of thousands of women become pregnant without wanting to, and some of such women decide to terminate the pregnancy through induced abortion. Today, abortion is ...
AbstractThe presence of street trading in major cities of the world has transcended the level where it was viewed as strictly uncommon occurrence to a worrisome global problem. It is escalating and alarming. The global estimate of street trading has not only attracted public concern but has also become a matter of priority to Nigeria government as well a...
AbstractThe phenomenon of street child hawking is an offshoot of complex interplay of various socio-economic and cultural factors, religious, cultural, linguistic and geographical diversity. The large-scale presence of street children is a symptom of social disease. Over the last five decades, the phenomenon of child hawking has bec...
ABSTRACTThe period of adolescence is lengthening, as biological maturity is reached earlier and social and economic independence achieved later because of the increase in opportunity for further education. It is also common knowledge that sexual activity among adolescents is increasing worldwide. Premarital sex is an important topic especially in today...
AbstractCooperative societies play an important role in facilitating women empowerment because they can address both economic and socio-cultural factors that perpetuate gender discrimination. Cooperatives, as economic enterprises and as self-help organizations, play a meaningful role in uplifting the socio-economic conditions of their members, th...
ABSTRACTThe influence of the use of social media on people’s behavior has recently become more visible than before. Stakeholders in several democracies have since harnessed the utility of social media in their electoral process. This study examined the effect of social media on voting behaviour in Nassarawa Ward “ONE” in Chikun Local Gove...
TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 Background to the Study - 11.2 Statement of the Problem - 21.3 Research Questions - 31.4 Objective of the Study - 31.5 Scope and limitation of the Study - 41.6 Definition of Terms - 4 CHAPTER TWOLITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK2.1 Introduction -- 52.2 Young People’s Perception to Sexual Behaviour -- 52.3 How Young People Perceive and Value Different Contraceptive Techniques2.4 Youth Perception toward Relationship betwee...
TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study - - - - - - - 11.2 Statement of the Problem - - - - - - - 31.3 Research Questions - - - - - - - - 51.4 Objectives of the Study - - - - - - - 51.5 Significance of the Study - - �...
ABSTRACTPeace, safety and security are both necessary and indispensable requirements for development and the attainment of good quality of life for any human society. Insecurity impacts negatively on all citizens through losses of property, life and limb, or through loss of confidence from fear of violence. Human safety and security are indeed human rights having a valu...
AbstractSickle cell disease is the commonest genetic disease worldwide and includes disorders affecting the structure, function or production of haemoglobin, that afflicts a great number of people in this part of the world and subjecting them to unspeakable bouts of burden as well as torture. Premarital screening for the identification ...
AbstractSickle cell disease (SCD) is an autosomal recessively inherited disorder and one of the most common genetic conditions worldwide. Over 300 million people have sickle cell traits world-wide with three-quarters of that population concentrated in Africa, Asia and the Mediterranean and one-Quarter in sub-Saharan Africa. Globally, Ni...
AbstractThe outset of menstruation is the most striking event in the whole process of female puberty. he prevalence of menstrual disorder among young women varies widely from country to country. As important as menstruation is to human reproduction, it may be accompanied with varying discomforts and disor...
AbstractFamily planning is an important strategy in promoting maternal and child health. It improves health through adequate spacing of birth, avoiding pregnancy at high-risk maternal age and high parity. It is often used as a synonym for birth control, however. It does have a wider view, dealing with birth control, reproductive health, as well as premarital and pre conception counseling. Contraceptive use is still low in many developing countries, including Nigeria, where 23.7% of currently ...
AbstractPre-marital sex is an illegal act against the norms of many societies. The era of no sex until marriage seems to be fast disappearing, the maxim then seems to be before marriage boys and girls will be virgin. Premarital sexual behaviours have become a subject of attention among scholars and researchers in recent decades. It is an important topic especially in today’s world and a serious moral issue confronting the youth. Today, the youth are exposed to different environments and hol...
AbstractMarital roles and career of women go a long way in defining how gender is perceived in today’s view on roles of the female folks. It is expected that a woman’s role and the part she plays in society before anything, is to her husband and children, she herself comes last. Such roles include, sati...
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