This study explores the threats of climate change on agriculture and food security globally, focusing on Nigeria. Nigeria, as the most populous country in Africa, is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change on its agricultural sector. The research conducts a comprehensive literature review and synthetic analysis to identify the key factors that make Nigeria's food production systems susceptible to climate change. Nigeria's diverse climate, influenced by latitude, topography, win...
This research work delves into a comparative analysis of Perovskite solar cells crafted using different antisolvents, namely DMF, DMSO/DMF, and TOL/DMF. The investigation focused on assessing their structural and optical properties, as well as their solar cell efficiency and stability. Notably, the perovskite layer formed with DMF displayed numerous pinholes, while the use of TOL/DMF as a mixed solvent yielded a pinhole-free layer. Spectral analysis revealed heightened light absorption in the...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to assess the use of University of Nigeria Virtual Library for effective learning by students of Computer and Robotics Education. The study adopted descriptive survey research design approach to access the use of University of Nigeria Virtual Library for effective learning by students of Computer and Robotics Education. The population for the study comprises of 116 undergraduate students of the department of Computer and Robotics Education. Total po...
ABSTRACT Misunderstanding, disagreement, dispute, conflict and the likes has been an integral part of human nature right from earliest time. No two or more people can live together interacting for a reasonable period of time without disagreeing to agree. Misunderstanding , disagreement, dispute and conflict has set men, neighbours, landlords and tenants, communities and nations against each other. Properties are destroyed, people are maimed, lives lost, houses set ablaze, all because of conf...
GAS FLARING in Nigeria, the burning of natural gas associated with oil extraction, has been a prevalent practice. Natural gas brought to the surface, especially where there is no infrastructure to put this “associated gas” to productive use is burnt for disposal thus making it a wasteful and generally polluting practice. An economy that promotes carbon emission through flaring wastes valuable energy products, increases health disparities and fuels climate change, a far-cry from the Glob...
This research reviews the effects of a standard deviation on time response and frequency response of Gaussian filter. In the research, standard deviations of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 were applied to normalized Gaussian filter in time domain and frequency domain. From the result of the simulation, it was observed that in the time domain, the peak amplitude of the filter increased with a decrease in the standard deviation and the execution time decreased with a decrease in standard deviation. ...
This review paper comprehensively detailed the methodologies involved in data analysis and theevaluation steps. It showed that steps and phases are the two main methodological parameters to be considered during data assessment for data of high qualities to be obtained.It is reviewed from this research that poor data quality is always caused by incompleteness, inconsistency, integrity and time-related dimensions and the four major factors that causes error in a dataset are duplication, commuta...
Qualitative research is concerned with feelings, ideas, or experiences. Finding insights that can result in testable hypotheses is the main goal of the data collection, which is frequently done in narrative form. During the exploratory phases of a study, educators use qualitative research to find patterns or fresh perspectives. A methodology called qualitative research is created to gather non-numerical data to produce insights. It is not statistical and is either semi-structured or unstructu...
The study investigated principals’ administrative strategies as correlates of teachers’ job performance in public secondary schools in Obollo-Afor Education Zone of Enugu State. Four research questions and four null hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a correlational survey design. The population of the study was 1,854 principals and teachers in 48 secondary schools in the Zone. A sample of 605 teachers was drawn using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Qu...
Different path loss models have been predicted for different locations. Nevertheless, none of these models can be regarded as a superior model, because environmental factors play a vital role in the path loss of every environment. In this paper, signal attenuation prediction models for Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) networks in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka for four different networks namely Airtel, Globacom, Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN), and 9mobile networks w...
In this paper, models for negative and positive clamper circuits were developed. The models developed were simulated and data collected. Simulation results obtained showed that series capacitance needed to design negative clamper circuit was directly proportional to the duty cycle and period of the input signal. Considering the positive clamper circuit, the series capacitance is inversely proportional to the duty cycle and directly proportional to the period of the input signal. Looking at th...
Maximum power point (MPP) tracking technique based an optimized adaptive differential conductance technique was developed in this paper. The performance of the algorithm developed in this paper was evaluated at solar irradiance of 1,000, 800 and 600 W/m2 and at temperature of 298, 328 and 358 K. From the simulation results, it was observed that the impedance of the panel decreases as the irradiance increases while the impedance of the load is not affected by the irradiance. This technique was...
Antisolvents play a significant role in obtaining high-quality perovskite films during the fabrication process. This paper reports a novel mixture of two antisolvents (methyl acetate and chloroform) that proves effective for fabricating high-quality perovskite films in a high humidity ambient. The results show that the use of methyl acetate alone as the antisolvent enables the fabrication of dense perovskite films (MAPbI3) in a high humidity ambient, but with a rough surface, while mixing...
This paper investigates the effect of the input current and the distance of separation between the IR transmitter and IR receiver on the voltage detected by infrared (IR) receiver Line-of-Sight IR propagation. The research was carried out using IR533C IR transmitter and FDS 100 IR receiver. Regulated digital power supply was used to provide stable 5V supply to the transmitter circuit. A 5V, 100kHz square wave from the signal generator was used to switch the BC338 transistor to modulate the...
This review paper comprehensively reviewed the administrative strategies adopted by some administrators for effective employer’s job performance. Different strategies were reviewed but the four major ones that were detailly reviewed in this paper are teachers’ involvement in decisions-making, proper delegation of duties and staff's warfare, open communications and adequate provision of instructional facilities to the employers and finally engaging employers regularly in workshop. Among al...
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