Pharmacy Study Materials

Prerequisites, Process and Policies Required for the Establishment of Community Pharmacies in Disparate Localities

Question: Assume that you are going to open up a new community pharmacy. Please mention the certificates and legal documents that you need in order to open up a new pharmacy in North Cyprus, UK, and your home country. Please mention the equipment that you need in your new pharmacy according to the country that you are located (North Cyprus, UK, and your home country). In the final part of your essay please discuss the options that you can make North Cyprus regulations better compared to other...

Gastroesophageal Reflux Diseases (GERD)


Paediatric Diseases: Paediatric Oncology (Clinical Presentation on Retinoblastoma and Case Study)

 INTRODUCTION TO PAEDIATRIC DISEASES  Paediatrics is a branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children and adolescents and the age limit usually ranges from birth up to 18 years of age (WHO regulations, 2014).  Subspecialties in paediatrics  - Oncology -Psychiatry  - Paediatric cardiology -Nephrology   - Critical care medicine -Neonatal Medicine  - Haematology -Endocrinology, etc PEDIATRIC DISEASES  The term paediatric disease (childhood disease) refers t...

Sepsis in Sickle Cell Patient (Slide Presentation)

Introduction An infection is a state in which microorganisms survive and reproduce in the host’s tissues. In many instances, no noticeable changes(or symptoms) are apparent. An infectious disease results when the organism produces sufficient tissue damage through many different mechanisms. Sepsis Sepsis is a gamut of diseases, where there is a systemic response by the patient or host to a specific infection.  Presentation ranges from non-localised symptoms to very severe signs with attest...

A Study On Screening And Quantification Of Phytochemicals In The Aqueous Extract Of Vernonia Amygdalina Leaf

ABSTRACT Vernonia amygdalina (V.amygdalina) is a tropical plant whose leaves have been proven to have medicinal benefits. It has been used by natives as a remedy against constipation, malaria fever, high blood pressure and many bacterial infections, due to its proven antimicrobial activity. Recently, V.amygdalina has been used as an ethinomedicinal solution to persistent fever, headache, and joint pain associated with AIDS. Previous studies of the aqueous leaf extracts have reported sapo...