Geography Study Materials


World trade is the exchange of goods and services between different countries and parts of the world. People might trade raw materials like wood, stone and silk.

GEO 102- Introduction to Human Geography

Production is a method employed for making or providing essential tools and services for consumers. It is a method that puts intangible tools like ideas, creativity, research, knowledge, wisdom in use or action.

GRP 103- Introduction to Human Geography

INTRODUCTION   Simply put, geography can be defined as the study of earth surface and processes that change it overtime. It is the spatio temporal analysis of the planet earth. One of the most popular definitions has been given by Richard Horns (1959), when he defined it as a scientific, rational, orderly, description and interpretation of the variable character of earth surface.  Etymologically, the word Geography came from the Greek word "GEO"; the earth and "GRAPHEIN" means to write. Thi...