Concerted efforts were m ad for many years to involve sub- urban and rural people in Nigeria in modern banking practices. Apart from encouraging the establishment of commercial banks, merchant banks, specialized development bank were created focusing or mortgages
Agriculture, savings, co- operatives and other specific areas. Beyond this, rural branches were mandatory for the commercial bank so that the interest of the rural people could be catered for. Inspite of these efforts, the rural people could not fit into conventional banking system as they aye required to fill several forms, obey certain rules and are generally made to feel lost as their request for credit facilities are never met.
The problem persisted over the years and has led the government and some of agencies to seek acceptable solution to the problem. The central Bank of Nigeria mandated that specific number of rural branches of commercial banks be opened. Thi8s directive was complied with, but proved ineffective as the low –level education and outright illiteracy of the rural people have made them unable to understand the complex and sophisticated operations. Development at the grass- root level has been stalled most tine b y the lack of pro per economic structures, This was the rationale for the central Banks continued search for monazite the rural economy through the establishment of rural- co-a solution to operatives bank. This did not take off properly because of low capital base and poor management. The Directorate of food, Roads Rural infrastructures [DFRI] by virtue of its grassroots unit banks which would aid the programme of rural development, self reliance and better economic well being for the majority of the people in sub- urban and rural areas.
The community banking system was thus launched with the opening of Alheri community Bank, Kaduna b y the then president I.B.Banangida on 31st December. However, community Banking was formally introduced in Nigeria by Decree NO 46 of 1996.
Grassroots banking is a new phenomenon in Nigeria it attempts to reach the toiling masses who have not been able to cope with modern banking systems with its attendant complex and sophisticated operations
and emphasis on collateral.
Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
Chapter ONE: Introduction
1.0 Background of the study
1.1 Statement of Problem
1.2 Objectives of the Study
1.3 Research Question
1.4 Statement of Hypothesis
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Limitations & Scope of the Study
1.7 Assumption of the Study
1.8 Definition of terms.
CHAPTER TWO: Review of Related Literature
1.1Review of Related Literature & Studies
2.1Brief of Related Literature & Studies
2.2The aims & objectives of setting up Community Bank in Nigeria
2.3Economic development due to Umudioka Community Bank.
2.4Problems facing Umudioka Community Bank.
2.5Prospects of Umudioka community Bank.
2.6 Internal Control System of Umudioka Community Bank.
2.7Financial statement of Umudioka community bank.
CHAPTER THREE: Research Design and Methodology
3.1Primary Data and Sources
3.2Secondary Data and Sources
3.3Method of investigation used.
3.4Area of the Study
3.5Data Presentation and Analysis.
3.6Techniques of Data Analysis References
4.0 Data Presentation.
4.1 Analysis of Questionnaire
4.2 Testing of Hypothesis
CHAPTER FIVE: Findings, Recommendation & Conclusions
5.1 Summary of Findings
5.3 Conclusion
List of Table & Figures
Appendix - Questionnaire.
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