Banks deal essentially in cash financial instrument and other documents which are generally of a negotiable and easily transferable in nature. Hence it is very pertinent to say that the exposure of banks to both internal and external fraud is very great. This practice is very common to area involving cash, cheque and fraud transfer operation. Much research and thought are increasingly being directed towards the study of the causes of fraud in Banks because of its affects on Banking and the entire economy.
Recent study carried out by financial institutions training centre, Lagos, showed that causes of fraud reported annually between 1989 and 1998 was about 500 and the annual average money involved in attempted fraud was thirty-six money naira while the annual average lost to banks and customers was sixteen million naira. It may not be said to be an over statement that these figure may have risen geometrically upwards afterwards when about seventy eight percent of our banking operations are going to rural areas where poor institutional and infrastructural factors militate against efficient and effective checks on the branches in these rural areas.
Another problem facing our nations banking system is that of long cheques, frustrations, delays and disappointments being experienced in the banking halls by customers while either paying in or withdrawing their hard earned money. These associated problems and deficiencies have in recent years resulted to disencouraging growth of banking habit among the public. This our society has been turned into a mere “cash society”.
My personal experience as an accounting personal in one of the private companies and various articles I read on the problems of our banking system have aroused my deep interest in this project topic. It is therefore my pleasure to carryout this e on ‘detection and control of financial fraud in Nigeria banking system” using U.B.A plc as a case study.
Chapter one of this research work deals with introduction and over view on financial fraud.
The second chapter reviews the previous write-ups on the subject matter.
The third chapter assesses the work procedures on banks and focuses the loopholes inherent in there that aid fraudsters carryout the nefarious activities.
Chapter four of this work did on analysis of financial frauds by examine the methods used by fraudsters indefrauting the banking system. It establish that falsification of accounts and forged cheques and signatures ranked highest as means of perpetrating frauds.
An examination of categories of persons involved in the preparation of fraud reveals that bank staff are in the majority. This chapter also focuses on the final incidence consequence of bank fraud.
Chapter five discusses the general prevention techniques (solution) available to bank management in checking financial fraud, while the last chapter evaluates and concludes the with personal economic on the issue of financial frauds in our banking industry.
Title Page II
Approval page III
Dedication IV
Acknowledgement V
Table of contents IX
List of figure
Abstract VI
1.1Background of the study 1
1.2Statement of the problem 4
1.3Objective or purpose of the study 5
1.4Scope or delimitation of the study 6
1.5Research questions 7
1.6Hypothesis 7
1.7Significance 8
2.1Who are the bank fraudsters 13
2.2Fraud and fraudulent practice in banking services16
2.3The legal framework 20
2.4 What is fraud 25
2.5Causes of fraud in U.B.A bank 29
2.6The effects of fraud in U.B.A. Bank 31
3.1Research design 33
3.2Area of the study 44
3.3Sample and sample procedure 45
4.0Data presentation and result 50
4.1Summary of results/findings 50
5.0Discussion implication, recommendation 74
5.1Discussion of result 75
5.2Conclusion 80
5.4Recommendations 84
5.5Suggestions for further research 87
5.6Limitation of the study 88
References 89
Appendices 91
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