Abstract: Findings from the study show that KARI scientists used research processes that were participatory and educative. These included conducting farmer trainings at KARI centre and at on-farm demonstration sites, holding of field days and exchange visits, availability of documented evidence on the technology benefits, ensuring farmers were free to gain entry to the KARI on-station demonstration trails, issuance of clean planting materials, frequent follow ups to farmer's fields, and that...
Abstract: Many have discussed Africa's food security crisis for decades but little has been done to change the state of affairs. Discussions concerning genetically engineered agricultural crops, otherwise known as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have emerged after the green revolution that has been witnessed in parts of Asia and Latin America. This new technology has come with a lot of controversy upon which this paper seeks to shed some light. The purpose of this study was to investig...
Abstract: This study sought to find out the potential implications of the National Horticulture Policy 2012 on the growth of the cut flowers export industry in Kenya. The non-implementation of the said policy presents the problem in this study with research questions seeking to find out factors contributing to this state of affairs. The study anchors on the Classical Economic Theory’s key concept of comparative advantage that brings out the aspect of sustenance of Kenya’s competitiveness...
Abstract: Farm credit offered by AFC is an important tool in poverty alleviation through creation of working opportunities for beneficiaries. The facility improves the economic and social status through poverty alleviation, employment creation and income generation for low income farmers with limited opportunities. Through this facility, the government mainly targets to improve the livelihood and food sufficiency among the rural populace. However, loan repayment is faced by high levels of de...
Abstract: Climate change has higher impact on agricultural production by its effect flood, drought, crop pests and diseases. The main objective of study was to assess the determinants of farmers’ choices of adaptation strategies to climate change. Both primary and secondary data were used. A multistage sampling technique was used. This study depends on cross-sectional data. Descriptive statistics,weighted average index, principal component analysis and Multivariate Probit model were used. ...
Abstract: Climate variability and change is one of the global challenges facing human beings and their socio-economic activities. The negative impacts are being felt in many parts of Kenya especially in decadence of the agricultural productivity resulting into decreased national and household food security. To adapt to the changing climate, farmers’ need a paradigm shift in their farming practices and adopt practices that sustainably increase agricultural productivity and enhance their res...
Abstract: Currently, climate variability and change has been recognized as a greatest global challenge facing humans being and their socio-economic activities. Rwanda like other developing countries has experienced climate variability and change, which declined agricultural productivities results into decreased national and household food security. To adapt to the changing climate, farmers need a transformation in their farming practices and adopt various practices that sustainably increase ...
Abstract: Climate variability and change is increasingly threatening livelihoods and food security and in turn, the attainment of national development goals in Kenya. The declining productivity of agricultural production systems calls for a transformational change in farming practices to ensure sustainable and resilient agriculture. This study assessed smallholder farmers’ perception of climate variability and change, climate smart agricultural practices used by farmers to adapt to climate...
Abstract: This study was conducted to assess climate variability and its impacts on selected crop production in Babile district. To achieve the objective, primary data was obtained using questionnaire, focus group discussion and key informant interviews whereas secondary data were acquired from different published and unpublished documents from various offices of the district. The study also used rainfall and temperature data (1997 – 2016).out of 4875 household heads founds in the selected...
Abstract: In Ethiopia about 93 percent of cultivated area is rain fed and crop production primarily depends on rainfall. Present study was conducted in rain fed Sofi-District of Harari Region. The objectives of the study were to identify factors affecting participation of farmers in irrigation scheme and impact of irrigation on cropping pattern, farm income and human labor employment. The study was based on 260 sample house holds (130 participants in irrigation schemes and 130 non-participan...
Abstract: This study analyzed production efficiency, post-harvest loss and marketing of sesame in Kafta Humera district of Tigray region, Ethiopia. It was specifically aimed to address the research gaps by measuring technical, allocative and economic efficiencies and their determinants, measuring post-harvest loss and analyzing its determinants and market performance of sesame in Kafta Humera District. For addressing these objectives the study used primary and secondary data obtained from fi...
Abstract: Dairy enterprises are one of the most important sources of economic growth. This makes enterprises a major area of concern for government and nongovernment organizations with varieties of development objectives. However, studies in both academic and policymaking circles on the production efficiency, financial performance and impact of dairy enterprises on employment creation and income generation were limited. This study sought findings on production efficiency, financial performan...
Abstract: As market exchange increases, there should be institutional set-ups that facilitate transaction of products especially products like milk and milk products that need immediate exchange due to their nature of being easily exposed to spoilage. Despite this importance of institutional environments and arrangements in dairy marketing, studies focusing on institutional analysis of dairy marketing have not been done in the study area. Thus, the study was conducted in Bahir Dar milk shed ...
Abstract: In Ethiopia, teff (Eragrostis tef) is an important cereal crop, particularly in Shashamane district as source of food and cash income for majority of the smallholder farmers. However, the supply of teff in the study area still cannot satisfy the existing market demand and also efforts to enhance smallholders’ participation in cereal market in general and teff in particular, through surplus production have been made, but there is dearth of information on the status of market parti...
Abstract: Food insecurity is a recurrent phenomenon in Ethiopia. To reverse this phenomena investment on variety development and dissemination of improved teff varieties to farmers have been made by regional and national agricultural research institutes. Even though efforts on disseminating improve teff varieties have been made in the area, there is no empirical evidence those varieties that brings on food security. Moreover, previous studies employ propensity score matching which could not ...