Agricultural Economics Research Papers/Topics

Analysis of Sesame Market Chain: The Case of Melokoza District, Gamo Gofa Zone, SNNPRS, Ethiopia

Abstract: Sesame is an important cash crop and plays vital role in the livelihood of many people in Ethiopia. In Melokoza district, sesame is a source of income for the people. However a number of challenges hampered the development of sesame sector along the market. Therefore this study was initiated to analyze Sesame market chain in Melokoza District, Gamo Gofa Zone of Southern Nation Nationality Peoples’ Regional State with the objectives of identifying sesame market chain actors and th...

Impact of Productive Safety Net Program on Asset Holdings of Pastoral Households: The Case of Fentalle District East Shoa Zone Oromia National Regional State of Ethiopia

Abstract: The government of Ethiopia launched Productive Safety Net Program in 2005 realizing the magnitude and severity of poverty. This study aims at evaluating the impact of productive safety net program on household asset holding in Oromia National Regional State, East Shoa zone Fentalle district using primary data from randomly selected 220 rural households. Propensity Score matching technique was used to evaluate impact of the program and to identify factors affecting participation in ...

Adoption and Income Impact of Improved Food Legume Technologies in Bale Highlands of Ethiopia

Abstract: The study designed particularly on the identification of factors determining adoption of improved food legume technologies, evaluation of impacts of adoption status and intensity of improved food legume varieties, identifying intra-household impact dynamics due to adoption of improved legume varieties and spotting out the major challenges and opportunities faced by smallholders in their adoption of improved food legume technologies. This study used cross sectional data acquired fro...

Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Teff producer Farmers in Raya Kobo District, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

Abstract: Teff is among the most widely grown cereals in Ethiopia. It accounts for about 24% of total cultivated land and 17.6% of gross grain production. It is a staple diet for greater than 50 million peoples, which is important in the national food security. However, the productivity varies from very low at around 15.8 qt/ha to the highest productivity of 25 qt/ha and research field trials reaching 40-50 qt/ha. The study aimed to measure technical efficiency of farmers in teff production ...


Abstract: Climate change causes a serious problem in Ethiopia in general and more so in the study area where people‟s livelihood depends on subsistence rain-fed farming. Effective adaptation changes in climatic condition are the key to securing resilient smallholder farmers livelihood system. Therefore, this study identified farmers‟ choice of and factors determining adaptation strategies to climate change in Rural Dire Dawa City Administration, Ethiopia which is strictly affected by cli...

Technical Efficiency of Maize Production: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Damot Sore District, Southern Ethiopia

Abstract: An increase of agricultural production is very important to achieve the goal of food security. An efficient use of the existing resources by farm households improves their productivity and thereby increases their output. Maize is one of the dominant crops and its productivity is low in the study area. This means that it is possible to obtain additional output from existing inputs used, if resource are properly used and efficiently allocated. The aim of this study was to investigate...

Determinants of the Participation Decision of Smallholder Farmers in Potato Sales in Kofele District, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia

Abstract: Market access plays an essential role in ensuring better income and enhancing welfare of smallholder farmers and thus contributes to alleviate poverty. This is even more so in the Ethiopian context where crop production plays an essential role in the economy. This study investigated the determinants of smallholder farmers participation decision, which sequentially made, in potato sales in Kofele district, Ethiopia with the objective of identifying and analyzing factors affecting po...

Analysis of Utilization of Credit and its Impact on Smallholder Farmers’ Income, Asset Holding and Expenditure in Edja District, Guraghe Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia

Abstract: Smallholder farmers in Ethiopia cannot fully utilize improved agricultural technologies and recommended amount of inputs by using their own funds. They need credit to solve the liquidity constraint thereby to properly adopt new technologies. Therefore, the major concern of this study was to assess the impact of credit from MFIs on farmers’ income, expenditure and asset holding, to identify factors affecting farmers’ credit access, to analyze the pattern of credit use by the sma...

Economic Efficiency of Barley Production: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Meket District, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

Abstract: This study analyzed the economic efficiency of barley production by smallholder farmers in Meket district, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia using cross sectional data collected from a sample of 123 barley producers during the 2015/16 production season by applying two stage random sampling. To address the objective of the study, both descriptive statistics and econometric models were used to analyze the data. The trans-log functional form was chosen to estimate both producti...

Analysis of Improved Wheat Seed Marketing: The Case of Lemo District, Hadiyya Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Abstract: Wheat is an important crop, which serves as a source of both food and cash in many parts Ethiopia. The Southern Nation, Nationalities and People Regional State is an ideal place for wheat production. Lemo district is one of the major producers of wheat products. Hence improved wheat seed is fundamental and basic element to improve production and productivity using other complementary inputs and technologies. In this regard effective wheat seed delivery and market oriented seed syst...


Abstract: Adoption of improved maize varieties in agricultural production is considered as one of the most promising ways to ensure food security and alleviate poverty in Ethiopia. However, the adoption and dissemination of these varieties were constrained by various factors. This study was aimed at identifying the factors that influence adoption and intensity of use of improved maize varieties in Gena Bossa District of Dawro Zone, Sothern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Regional State. Cr...

Determinants of Commercialization of Smallholder Onion Producers in Haramaya District, East Hararghe Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

Abstract: Eastern Hararghe Zone of Oromia region has the potential comparative advantage of producing vegetables. Despite this potential the farmers in the study area rarely utilize this opportunity to improve their livelihood. This study was undertaken to identify the determinants of smallholder farmers’ participation in onion market and level of commercialization in Haramaya District of East Hararghe Zone. Both primary and secondary data were used to achieve objective of the study. A mul...

Analysis of Coffee Market Chain: The Case of Gewata District, Kaffa Zone, Southwest Ethiopia

Abstract: This study was aimed at analyzing structure, conduct and performance of coffee market, identifying factors affecting market supply of coffee and identifying major factors affecting market outlet choices of coffee producers. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. Primary data were collected from 121 farm households selected randomly, 20 traders and 11clay pot coffee producers through semi structured questionnaire. The major market chain actors for coffee marketing ...

Analysis of Honey Market Chain: The Case of Chena Woreda, Kaffa Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Abstract: This study was initiated to identify honey marketing channels, actors and their roles; to analyze the structure, conduct and performance of honey markets; to identify factors affecting volume of honey marketed and producers’ market outlets choices in Chena woreda of Kaffa zone, Southern Ethiopia. Data from a total of 154 sample honey producers from three randomly selected honey producing kebeles, 30 traders and 20 consumers were collected and analyzed. SCP model for structure con...

Chickpea Market Chain Analysis in Gondar ZuriaWoreda of North Gondar Zone, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

Abstract: The agricultural sector greatly influences economic performance in Ethiopia. About 11.7 million smallholder households account for approximately 95 percent of agricultural GDP and 85 percent of employment. This study was initiated to analyze chickpea market chains in Gondar Zuria Woreda, North Gondar Zone, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia. The objectives of the study were to identify key chickpea market chain actors and their roles;to analyze structure, conduct and performa...

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