Abstract: Vegetable postharvest losses are high in Africa and it has been estimated at about 50% of the total production. This implies that half of the total production is lost during storage, handling and transportation and at home. Postharvest loss management is expensive in terms of cost and labor. The main aim of this study is to make a comprehensive attempt to uncover the causes, extent and determinants of postharvest losses and its economic implications to various actors operating in t...
Abstract: Over thousands of years, pastoralists have managed their resources and livelihoods in the face of environmental challenges and difficult socio-economic conditions. However, since recent decades pastoralists are challenged in maintaining their livelihoods and coping mechanisms due to a range of ecological, demographic, economic, social, political and climatic changes. Such changes and crises can all easily reduce large numbers of pastoralists to destitution and sometimes cause a lar...
Abstract: Climate change is threat to the environment as the whole and to agriculture in particular. Itis aggravating drought, pests, diseases and other related environmental shocks and it impacts the dimension of food security.The main objective of the study was to identify farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate change in Raya Azebodistrict, Southern Tigray, Ethiopia.Both primary and secondary data were used.Descriptive statistics were used to explain farmers’ perception of climate c...
Abstract: This study was carried out to determine the economic value of forest by Wood work enterprises for the reforestation of softwood Pine trees in Eastern Ethiopia, namely Dire Dawa Administrative Council, Harari Regional State and Deder district (woreda) of East Hararghe Zone. Forests in Eastern Ethiopia were the major sources of softwood Pine logs. Nowadays, some of commercially important Pine species are over-exploited and in short of supply. The study was undertaken with the objecti...
Abstract: Majority of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia pursue a dominant livelihood strategy mostly complemented by a second less dominant livelihood strategy. Choice of livelihood strategies is mostly constrained by shrinking natural capitals and adverse changes in climatic conditions that affects the outcomes from the adopted livelihood choices. In the face of such changes, comprehending the driving factors for the choice of current livelihood strategy is crucial to having objective informa...
Abstract: Adoption and wider diffusion of improved teff varieties is playing vital role in reversing the present situation of food insecurity in many parts of Ethiopia. However, the uses of improved teff varieties are constrained by various factors. Hence, in this study, an attempt was made to examine factors affecting adoption and intensity of use of improved teff varieties. A multi-stage random sampling technique was employed to select 150 sample households from Kobo district. This study u...
Abstract: As scarcity of irrigation water is rising, pricing of agricultural water and cost recovery can play a significant role in promoting water use efficiency. Hence, the main objective of this study was to analyze farmers’ willingness to pay for improved irrigation water use, and identify its determinants using the contingent valuation method. Both primary and secondary data were used to achieve the objective. Cross sectional data were collected from 251 households using a two-stage s...
Abstract: With regard to sustained increase in agricultural production, and farmer’s income; The market for cattle is one the largest markets in Ethiopia in terms of the volume of output handled the number of market participants involved, and the vastness of the geographical area of operation. This thesis research examines performance of the cattle marketing in agro pastoral areas of Fafan zone of Somali Region, Eastern Ethiopia. It attempts to identify marketing channels, and the role and...
Abstract: White haricot bean is the major source of cash in domestic and international markets and serves as the cheapest source of protein diet for the rural households. Despite the contribution, its adoption is so low; and the efficiency status and welfare contribution of the crop is not well documented. In light of this, this research was meant to study adoption, efficiency and welfare effect of white haricot beans in the study area. A multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select thr...
Abstract: Irrigation water is one of unexploited resources in our country. Recently, the Federal and the Regional Governments of Ethiopia, and donor agencies gave due attention to promote smallscale irrigation schemes in the country that targeted smallholder farmers. This is because irrigated farming plays a vital role towards domestic food security and poverty alleviation. This study identifies factors influencing participation in small-scale irrigated farming and its impact on annual incom...
Abstract: The growing gap between food demand and supply in Ethiopia and hence rural poverty is mainly attributed to the low productivity of the agricultural sector. Access to irrigation by smallholder farmers is believed to enhance production efficiency, and hence considered as a cornerstone of food security and poverty reduction. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of irrigation access on potato production efficiency and alleviating farm households’ poverty in east Gojja...
Abstract: Rural farm households face an increasing challenge looking for alternative income sources to supplement their small scale agricultural activities. To this end, this paper examines the determinants of income diversification among rural households using cross sectional data collected from Tulo District of Western Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia. Both primary and secondary data were collected from different sources. The data were obtained from 120 sample household heads that were selected thr...
Abstract: The agricultural sector greatly influences the economic performance and is the longstanding sector in contributing to food security in Ethiopia. This research attempts to contribute to the understanding of farm households’ crop commercialization and food security conditions in Eastern zone of Tigray, Ethiopia. Specifically, it was designed to estimate the level of crop commercialization and calorie consumption, investigate the common determinants of intensity of crop commercializ...
Abstract: In Ethiopia, the problem of food security is an enduring critical challenge, which their responses were dominated by annual emergency food aid for a long time. In 2005, to combat the problem of food security and to move away from the previous system of annual emergency appeals, the Ethiopian government in collaboration with development partners launched social protection program called productive safety net program. This study was evaluated the impact of PSNP on household food secu...
Abstract: Modern beekeeping development is considered as a potential area to enhance the income of smallholder farmers by the Ethiopian government. To this end, special emphasis has been given to research and extension activities on the modern beekeeping practice at different scales. However, scientific evidences on participation, it`s utilization and its impact on the household income in Wonchi district were not documented. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the factors that de...