Agricultural Extension and Management Research Papers/Topics

Introduction of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) as a short-duration annual aromatic crop in Assam for enhancing the income of farmers of the North-East Region

Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L. ) is widely cultivated by the farmers of North Indian plains after harvesting the menthol mint or maize crop. Large area under cultivation of this annual crop by marginal farmers in North India is pre-dominantly occupied by the variety "CIM-Saumya," developed by CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. In the present study, an effort has been made for the first time to introduce CIM-Saumya cultivation as a short-duration crop in three nor...


ABSTRACT Reportage of forestry activities in Nigeria newspapers had been given little attention over the years, despite the importance of forestry sector to national development. This study examined press coverage of forestry activities with the view to establishing the roles played by the press in the development and preservation of forest and forest products in Nigeria. Data were obtained from four (4) the national newspapers with wide coverage and high readership ratings. Through content ...