Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Influence of the host plant on the encyrtid Aenasius bambawalei, a parasitoid used to control the cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis, in Pakistan

Abstract: The mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Sternorrhyncha: Pseudococcidae) is a highly polyphagous pest of fruits, vegetables, crops and ornamentals in Pakistan. Biological control approach by using Aenasius bambawalei Hayat (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) has been developed recently to control this pest. However, the efficiency of this parasitoid is variable according to the locality and the plants on which P.solenopsis is feeding. In this context, this experiment investigated under f...

Performance of Metarhizium anisopliae-treated foam in combination with Phytoseiulus longipes Evans against Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard (Acari: Tetranychidae)

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Tetranychus evansi (Te) is an exotic pest of solanaceous crops in Africa. The predatory mite Phytoseiulus longipes (Pl) and the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (Ma) are potential biocontrol agents of Te. The present study investigated the efficacy of fungus-treated foam placed above or below the third Te-infested tomato leaf. The persistence of fungus-treated foam and the performance of Pl with and without fungus-treated foam were evaluated. RESULTS: The fungus-treated fo...

Biocontrol-based strategies for improving soil health and managing plant-parasitic nematodes in coffee production

Abstract: Coffee is an important commodity for Kenya, where production is steadily declining, despite a global rise in demand. Of the various constraints affecting production, plant-parasitic nematodes are a significant, but often overlooked, threat. As a perennial crop, treating plantations once infected with nematodes becomes difficult. The current study evaluated the drenching application of two biocontrol agents, Trichoderma asperellum and Purpureocillium lilacinum, for their nematode co...

Integrated management of Spodoptera frugiperda 6 years post detection in Africa: a review

Abstract: The introduction of fall armyworm (FAW) Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on the African continent has led to paradigm shifts in pest control in maize systems, occasioned by year-round populations. The discovery of resident parasitoid species adapting to the new pest significantly informed decision-making toward avoiding highly hazardous synthetic insecticides to control the pest. A number of biopesticides have shown promise against the fall armyworm, provid...

Innovative feedstocks for optimal mass production of the edible long-horned grasshopper, Ruspolia differens

Abstract: The edible long-horned grasshopper Ruspolia differens Serville (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) is a highly nutritious food source consumed in over 20 African countries. Its occurrence is highly seasonal, and wild harvesting is carried out using locally designed and inefficient light traps, thus limiting sustainable utilization as an important food source. To ensure year-round production and availability of R. differens, we evaluated the effects of low-cost and affordable diets based on...

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and One Health — a call for action to integrate

Abstract: One Health (OH) has gained considerable prominence since the beginning of the 21st century, among others, driven by the recent epidemics and the increasing importance of zoonotic diseases. Yet, despite the holistic and multidimensional nature of OH, to date, most emphasis has been on the interactions between animal and human health, with considerably less attention to environmental and plant health. However, there is growing evidence that the challenges of climate change, growing f...

Weed biological control in Zimbabwe: Challenges and future prospects

Abstract: In Zimbabwe, the structure and integrity of various ecosystems is rapidly deteriorating, in part due to invasive alien plants. While there is recognition of the challenges posed by invasive alien plants and the complexity surrounding their successful management, very little has been done, documented or evaluated in the country recently, including classical weed biological control activities. We review the current status of invasive alien plants and classical weed biological control...

Farmers’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Regarding the Use of Agroecological-Based Pest Management Practices in Crucifers and Traditional African Vegetable (TAV) Production in Kenya and Ta

Abstract: Crucifers and traditional African vegetables (TAVs) are important to smallholders in Kenya and Tanzania, but yield remains below potential due to pests and diseases. Agroecological production methods present a nature-based solution to pest and disease management in crucifer and TAV production. We explore the status of farmers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding agroecological-based production pest management practices. Structured and pretested questionnaires were used ...

Bio-ecology of the African citrus triozid Trioza erytreae Del Guercio (Hemiptera: Triozidae) on citrus in Kenya

Abstract: Citrus production is a major industry in Kenya. Apart from providing income and jobs, it contributes to food and nutritional security. For the last decade, citrus production has experienced a continuous decline, particularly in the Kenyan highlands. Consequently, production is unable to meet local demands, which has led to increased imports of citrus. Low production has been attributed to pest and diseases, of which the African citrus triozid (ACT) Trioza erytreae Del Guercio (Hem....

Status and Management of Rice Blast Disease caused by Pyricularia Oryzae cav. in upland rice in selected Regions in Tanzania

Abstract: This study aimed to enhance effective rice blast disease management by the establishment of the current status of the disease, its effect on yield of selected upland rice genotypes and the use of environmentally friendly methods such as bio-agents and hot water seed treatment. Two surveys were conducted in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 rice growing seasons to investigate farmers’ knowledge of rice blast disease and its management and to establish the incidence and severity of rice blas...

Influence of storage structure on tomato perishability

CHAPTER ONE 1.0  Introduction 1.1  Justification 1.2   1.2 Objectives of study CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Brief history of tomato cultivation 2.2 Botanical classification 2.3 Description 2.4 Varieties of tomato 2.5 TOMATO VARIETIES AND THEIR CHOICE OF USES 2.6 Fruit characteristics 2.7 Fruit colour 2.8 Fruit Texture 2.9 Postharvest Handling Practices for Tomatoes 2.10 Postharvest Treatment Techniques for Tomatoes 2.11 Postharvest Heat Treatment of Tomatoes 2.12 ...

16 - 26 Of 26 Results