Abstract: Most developing countries like Ethiopia are striving hard to solve acute protein deficiency in the diets of their increasing populations through cultivation of mushrooms in the urban areas without heavily depending on agricultural lands and capital. This study was conducted in Debre Berhan University, College of Natural and computational Sciences, with the aim of assessing the proximate chemical composition, biological efficiency and suitability of the selected substrates (Millet s...
Abstract: Biogas technology, which is meant to produce methane rich gas through anaerobic digestion of biological materials, is an environmentally friendly technology that reduces emission of green house gases. Therefore, this research was initiated to utilize biomasses such as barley straw (BS) and goat manure (GM) for biogas production. In this study, biogas production from co-digestion of the BS and GM in five mix ratios (100%BS, 75%BS: 25%GM, 50%BS: 50%GM, 25%BS: 75%GM and 100%GM mix) we...
Abstract: Organic liquid fertilizer not only increases organic fertility of crops but also accelerates their maturation and nutrient quality. Thus, the present study was aimed at producing organic liquid fertilizer from sheep manure and onion peels through aerobic conditions where after 50 days the solution was converted into organic liquid fertilizer. The experimental design used was complete randomized design (CRD) in two replications. Quantitative analysis was made for composition of plan...
Abstract: ABSTRACT The bioorganic fertilizer obtained through aerobic fermentation comprises a number of growth substances, vitamins, antibiotics, amino acids and useful micro-organisms. Bioorganic liquid fertilizer not only increases bioorganic fertility of crops (in comparison to the control and prototype fertilizer), but also accelerates their maturation and nutrient quality. Thus, the present study was aimed to produce bioorganic liquid fertilizer from camel manure and groundnut husks th...
Abstract: Bioorganic liquid fertilizers are applied in the agricultural field as a replacement of conventional chemical fertilizer. Thus, the present study was aimed to produce bioorganic liquid fertilizer from coffee ground and banana peels through aerobic fermentation in open containers. The fermentation process was carried out under aerobic condition in two replications. Quantitative analysis for composition of plant macronutrients including Percentage carbon(C ), nitrogen (N), carbon to ...
Abstract: The sub optimal fertilizer use and unbalanced fertilizer applications has led to a decline in soil productivity and low response of tef to N and P fertilizers, which might be due to insufficiency of micronutrients in the soil. This study was initiated to investigate and map the status of micronutrients in soil and tef grown on Vertisols of Ada’a district. A total of sixty composite samples for each of soil, tef leaf and grain were collected from twenty georeferenced tef fields of...
Abstract: Citrus production is a major industry in Kenya. Apart from providing income and jobs, it contributes to food and nutritional security. For the last decade, citrus production has experienced a continuous decline, particularly in the Kenyan highlands. Consequently, production is unable to meet local demands, which has led to increased imports of citrus. Low production has been attributed to pest and diseases, of which the African citrus triozid (ACT) Trioza erytreae Del Guercio (Hem....
Abstract: This study aimed to enhance effective rice blast disease management by the establishment of the current status of the disease, its effect on yield of selected upland rice genotypes and the use of environmentally friendly methods such as bio-agents and hot water seed treatment. Two surveys were conducted in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 rice growing seasons to investigate farmers’ knowledge of rice blast disease and its management and to establish the incidence and severity of rice blas...
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Justification 1.2 1.2 Objectives of study CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Brief history of tomato cultivation 2.2 Botanical classification 2.3 Description 2.4 Varieties of tomato 2.5 TOMATO VARIETIES AND THEIR CHOICE OF USES 2.6 Fruit characteristics 2.7 Fruit colour 2.8 Fruit Texture 2.9 Postharvest Handling Practices for Tomatoes 2.10 Postharvest Treatment Techniques for Tomatoes 2.11 Postharvest Heat Treatment of Tomatoes 2.12 ...