Abstract: This experiment was conducted with the objectives of determining the effect of harvesting stages on agronomic traits, herbage yield, chemical composition, In vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and In vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) and In sacco rumen dry matter degradability of Sudan grass mixed with, Lablab in Faafan zone, Ethiopia. The study was executed using 3 x 3 factorial arrangements in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications in plot si...
Abstract: This study was conducted at Haramaya University ‘Rare’ research site to evaluate morphological characteristics, dry matter yield, and chemical composition of Desho grass (Pennisetum glaucifolium) as affected by vetch intercropping and harvesting stage. The experiment was arranged in a 3*3 factorial using a Randomized complete block design (RCBD). The treatments comprise sole Vetch, Desho*Vetch intercrop, and sole Desho grass and three harvesting stages (60, 90, and 120 days aft...
Abstract: Maize-legume cropping systems are practiced under conventional practice (CP) which has resulted in soil degradation and frequent crop failure, which may be slowed or reversed with conservation agriculture (CA). Traditional plant tissue sampling and analysis is time taken and destructive method; whereas optical sensor techniques in particular, normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI) are an instantaneous, non-destructive, and quantitative assessment. CA can improvesoil health a...
Abstract: Bread wheat is one of the most important cereal crops produced in Mao-komo (Benishangul Gumuz). However, appropriate management practice that combines integrated application of organic and inorganic fertilizer is lacking in Mao-komo. Thus, field experiment was conducted from August to December 2020 to assess the effects of integrated application of vermicompost and NPS on yield and yield components of bread wheat in Mao-komo. Factorial combinations of four levels of vermicompost ( ...
Abstract: Maize is one of an important cereal crop in Ethiopia due to its uses as sources of food and income generation. Its productivity is constrained by drought, blanket fertilizer recommendation and non-optimum plant population. The experiment arranged in a factorial combination in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) by replicating three times. It contain Four Potassium Chloride (KCl)(0 kghe-1, 20 kghe-1, 40 kghe-1 and 60kghe-1 )levels and four level of inter row spacing (IRS)55 cm...
Abstract: two pot and one field experiments were conducted in 2013 and 2014 to determine mineral nutrition of parthenium compost and fresh residue by different composting techniques and application methods in combination with NP fertilizers. The experiment on effect of parthenium compost types and NP fertilizer on growth, yield attributes and yield of barley comprised three types of parthenium composts [normal, effective microorganism (EM) enriched and vermicompost] each at 2.5 and 5.0 t ha-...
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted on farmer’s field during 2016 cropping season at Fedis Eastern Ethiopia. The experiment was aimed at assessing the effect of forage legumes population densities intercropped with sorghum on forage yield and to evaluate the effect of forage legumes intercropped with sorghum on yield components and yield of sorghum. Sorghum variety, ‘Teshale’ at its recommended population rate of 66,666.6667 plants/ha and two forage legumes (cowpea and lablab) w...
Abstract: The production of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) has been increasing in Ethiopia because of its high nutritive value for food and feed. Nevertheless, the yield is extremely low. One of the agronomic practices to increase its productivity is use of optimum plant density. However, there has been no recommended plant spacing regardless of variety and agro-climatic conditions. In view of this, a field experiment was conducted at Sirinka Agricultural research center, northern Ethiopia, d...
Abstract: An experiment was conducted at Haramaya University, eastern Ethiopia in 2019 main cropping season, to assess the response of chickpea varieties to Rhizobium and P fertilizer rate. The study was conducted to assess the effect of phosphorus fertilizers and Sinorhizobium ciceri inoculation, on growth, nodulation, yield components and yield of chickpea varieties at Haramaya, East Ethiopia and to evaluate the cost -benefit of inoculation and phosphorus fertilizer for chickpea production...
Abstract: The author was born on September 5, 1971 at 11 Woreda, Kolife Keraniyo Sub-city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He attended his primary school at Paulus Elementary School, between 1979 and 1986. He also attended secondary and high school education at Mengistu Hailemariam Secondary School between 1987 and 1990. Then he joined Jimma College of Agriculture in September 1990 and graduated with Diploma in General Agriculture in 1992. After his graduation, he joined Hulet Eju Enebse (Mota) Wored...
Abstract: Tef is a highly valued crop in the national diet of Ethiopians and the major crops grown in Southern Ethiopia. However, its productivity is constrained by low plant-available soil nutrients due to depleting soil organic matter content and long history of intensive cultivation. Therefore, a field experiment was carried out Tambaro district during the 2019 main cropping season with the objective of:to assess the combined responses of N and blended NPSB fertilizer rates on growth, yie...
Abstract: Non-farm activities by rural farm households in general and women in particular are gaining importance in most developing economies due to the increasing inability of the farm sector to support rural livelihoods. This study aimed at identifying the pastoralists and Agro- pastoralists’ women participation in non-farm income generating activities in Degahbour district of Somali Regional State, Ethiopia. It helped in identifying factors which are essential to design policies for pro...
Abstract: Improving seed cane yield per unit area is one of the agronomic practices to attain the benefit of sugarcane production. However, Sugarcane varieties currently under production have not been studied in terms of inter-row spacing requirements to maintain optimum seed cane yield at Metahara sugar factory. Hence, a field experiment was conducted at Metahara Sugar factory during 2022/23 to evaluate the effect of variety and inter-row spacing on yield and yield components of seed cane o...
Abstract: The sett type used and untreated seed cane are ultimately affecting sugarcane yield in Ethiopian sugar industry, particularly, in Finchaa sugar estate. Therefore, this work was decided to deal with the objective of to evaluate suitable sett type and seed cane treatment for yield and yield related parameters of N-14 sugarcane variety. The dominant and high yielding commercial sugarcane varieties namely N-14 was used as a planting material at Finchaa Sugarcane Plantation during 2022/...
Abstract: In Ethiopia, potato ranks first among the major tuber crop in the volume of production and consumption. However, the national average yield is 13.8 tons ha-1 , which is very low, due to low soil fertility and poor fertilizer management practices. Field experiment was conducted in 2019/2020 main cropping season at Haramaya University research site. The objectives of the experiment were to assess the influences of integrated use of chicken manure and NPS fertilizers on growth, yield ...