Abstract: Producing chickpea on Vertisol without fertilizer application leads to low yields because of low soil nutrient availability. Hence, a field experiment was conducted in 2017/2018 in Ada’a-Liban District of East Shoa Zone, Ethiopia, to assess the effect of rates of blended NPSZnB and DAP fertilizer on yield components and yield of chickpea varieties. Treatments consisting of four levels of blended NPSZnB fertilizer (0, 64.4, 129 and 193 kg ha-1) and four chickpea varieties (Natoli,...
Abstract: Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the major horticultural crops grown in Dembiya district, Ethiopia. However, due to lack of research recommendations on agronomic practices, growers are not using optimum irrigation level and NPSB blended fertilizer rate. The main objects of this study to check the effects of drip irrigation levels and NPSB blended fertilizer rate. The treatment consist of three irrigation levels (100%, 80% and 60% ETc) and five NPSB blended fertilizer rate (0, 50, 1...
Abstract: Rice is an important crop in Maitsebri area in Tigray region but the productivity of the crop constrained by lack of appropriate agronomic practices including seed rate and also lack of nitrogen fertilizer in the region. Thus, a field experiment was conducted in 2016 main cropping season in Tselemti District, Northwest Tigray Zone to assess the effect of seed and nitrogen fertilizer rates on major upland rice varieties; and to identify economically feasible seed and nitrogen fertil...
Abstract: Malt barley being an important cash crop of the study area, it was cultivated for both home consumption and market purposes. However, its productivity and grain quality is mainly constrained by low yielding vareity, lack of approprite time of N fertilizer application and seed rate recommendation in the study area.Thus, this study was carried out under farmer’s field at Bekoji district during 2018 main cropping season to assess the effect of varieties, time of nitrogen application...
Abstract: A total of sixteen barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes were evaluated for genetic variability and character associations at two different environments. The genotypes were grown in a simple lattice design. Data were collected on 16 morpho-agronomic characters. The analysis of variance at each location showed significant (P< 0.05) difference for all of the characters, except spikelets per spike gonder This indicated the existence of variability and hence the potential for selection...
Abstract: Scarcity of water is the most severe constraint for development of agriculture in arid and semi-arid areas. Under such conditions, the need to use the available water economically and efficiently is indisputable. The important strategy for increasing water productivity and improving water use efficiency in the area of water scarcity, was deficit irrigation. A field experiment was conducted at Mehoni Agricultural Research Center during off season aimed at investigating the effect of...
Abstract: Maize (Zea mays L) is an important food security crop widely grown in Hararghe Zones, eastern Ethiopia. However, the average yield of the crop is low due to several biotic and abiotic production constraints, among which low soil fertility and moisture stress are the major factors. As a result, three field experiments were conducted in the Haramaya District during the 2019/20 and 2020/21 main cropping seasons. The first objective was to investigate the response of two hybrid maize v...
Abstract: Hot pepper is an important spice and vegetable crop in Ethiopia, but its productivity is low due to poor agronomic practices including inappropriate nutrient supply and poor seedling management before transplanting. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted on the demonstration field at Agarfa Agricultural Technical Vocational and Education Training (ATVET) College in Bale Zone, south-eastern Ethiopia to evaluate the effects of nitrogen fertilizer and hardening seedlings on fruit...
Abstract: Maize production plays vital role for the producers of the study area in serving as staple food. However, its productivity is constrained by a number of factors out of which optimum spacing is among the most important production factors. The Objective of the experiment was to investigate the influence of inter and intra-row spacing on yield components and grain yield of maize in 2019 cropping season at Chinaksen, East Hararghe Zone, eastern Ethiopia. The experiment was arranged in ...
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted inBabile District during the main cropping season of 2019 to evaluate the effect of plant spacing (inter- and intra-row spacing) on yield and yield related traits of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor(L.)Moench].Four inter-row spacing (65 cm,75 cm,80 cm and 90cm) and four intra-row spacing (15, 20, 25 and 30 cm ) were evaluated as treatments using a randomized complete block design with three replications. Yield and yield related parameterswere collected and ...
Abstract: Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an important food crop and source of income for farmers at Degam district in central highland of Ethiopia. However, its productivity is mainly constrained by poor soil fertility and lack of site specific fertilizer (NPSB) recommendation in general and in the study area in particular. Thus, field experiment was conducted at Degam district on farmer's field in 2019 main cropping season to investigate the response of bread wheat varieties to blend...
Abstract: Use of inappropriate fertilizer type and rate, cultivation of unimproved low yielding varieties and low soil fertility are among the major constraints limiting the productivity of wheat in Ethiopia in general and in particular to the study area. Thus, field experiment was initiated to evaluate the effects of blended NPS fertilizer rates on yield components and yield of bread wheat varieties and to identify economically feasible rates of blended NPS fertilizer in the study area. The...
Abstract: Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is highly preferred by Ethiopian farmers because of its fast maturing characteristics that enable households to get cash income required to purchase food and household needs when other crops have not yet matured. However, the current national average yield of common bean is far less than the attainable yield under good management conditions for most improved varieties. This low yield of common bean in Ethiopia is attributed to several production ...
Abstract: Low soil fertility and poor crop management practices including useof inappropriate seeds rates are among the major constraints limiting the productivity offood barley in Ethiopia in general and in the study area in particular.Thus,field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of blended (NPSB) fertilizer and rates of seed on growth,yield components and yield of barely;and to estimate economically feasible of blended (NPSB) fertilizers and rates of seed for barely production ...
Abstract: Potato is the second most important and co-staple crop in eastern Ethiopia. However, the average tuber yield is low as compared to the potential yield of the crop. The use of proper types and rates of fertilizer is one of the measures to increase productivity of the crop in the region. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of combined application of blended NPS and Urea fertilizers on growth, yield components, tuber yield and tuber quality of potato at ...