ABSTRACT Soil is a significant reservoir for plant nutrients and hence necessary for plant growth. Soil pH is a very important chemical property of the soil, as it dictates the availability of plant nutrients. Low soil pH reduces soil nutrients. Some of the factors leading to acid soils include continuous cultivation of soil due to scarcity of arable land, excessive use of inorganic fertilizers, climate change and deforestation. Reclamation of acidic soils includes addition of lime which...
ABSTRACT Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is well known regarding its quality and nutritional value all over the world but imbalances of fertilizer nutrients severely affect its quality. If exposed to stresess, either biotic (organisms) or abiotic (arising from imbalances of environmental factors) e.g water; growth and productivity is affected. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of calcium and potassium on yield and quality responses in two different tomato varieties under ...
ABSTRACT Rice is the third most important cereal grain in Kenya after maize and wheat. It has been grown by smallholder farmers as a commercial food crop under irrigated and rain fed ecologies .Low soil N fertility, prevalent in smallholder farmers’ fields is a major constraint to upland rice production mostly under rain fed ecology. The ever escalating fertilizer prices have made the input to be unaffordable to most smallholder farmers who are resource poor. Efficient use of nitrogen in ag...
ABSTRACT Nitrogen is a major mineral nutrient limiting growth, development and production of crops in Kenya. The cost of production is way beyond the purchasing power of smallholder farmers, coupled with the low availability of nitrogen in the soil has significantly contributed to the reduction in rice productivity in Kenya. In rice growing regions, including Busia, Kisumu and Kirinyaga counties, there is evidence of pollution due to high losses of N experienced from agricultural fields. Redu...
ABSTRACT Amaranthus spp is amongst the most preferred African leafy vegetables in the tropics. It contains numerous vitamins, minerals and bioactive phytochemical compounds for nutritional and health benefits. Nitrogen is a vital mineral element for plant growth which affects not only the biomass accumulation but also the nutritional quality of higher plants. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different N forms on growth, mineral elements, anti-nutrient and phytochemicals ac...
ABSTRACT African leafy vegetables are a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and foliate among others. They are also a complementing source of other vitamins such as thiamine, niacin and riboflavin, plus some dietary minerals including calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese. Decline in crop yields is mainly caused by loss of soil fertility. Phosphorus (P) is one of the critical elements that limit vegetable production. The situation is aggravated in smallholder agriculture where...
INTRODUCTION In many areas of the United States, soil erosion has become a serious agricultural problem and the State of Iowa is no exception. People attribute this to several causes but increased production of row crops is the principal cause. For example, Moldenhauer and Amemiya (196g) estimated that in the deep loess soils of western Iowa, a corn-corn-soybean rotation without erosion control can result in soil losses as great as 42 tons per acre annually from 9% slopes 300 feet long, or 2...
Abstract This experiments of this Research were conducted to study effect of the gamma irradiation doses on four genotypes of maize (Zea mays L.) (Var-113, Hudiba-1, Hudiba-2 mug45). The maize genotypes were subjected to four doses (50, 100, 150 and 200GY) of gamma irradiation including control. One laboratory and two field experiments were conducted. The laboratory experiment was conducted to study the germination percentage, shoot, root and shoot to root ratios of the germinated seedling. ...
Abstract A field experiment was conducted in winter season 2017/2018, at the experimental farm of the College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST), at Shambat, to study the effect of microdosing fertilization at two different application times on forage barley. A spilt plot arrangement on completely block randomized design (RCBD) was used with three replicates. Sowing time viz. at planting and after 15 days of planting was set as the main plot while the m...
Abstract A field experiment was conducted at the College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan, Khartoum, during summer 2014 and 2015, to study the effects of sowing date, pollinations and cultivars on seed setting and seed filling of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L).The cultivars were Hysun33 and local .The experiment was factorial experiment with three factors in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. Two cultivars, local (PAN...
ABSTRACT Successful land management for tree crop production requires good knowledge of the soil variation and suitability for specific tree crops. Most of the traditional rubber growing areas in Nigeria have not been evaluated for their suitability and production potential. Characterisation and evaluation of the land for rubber production was therefore conducted. Soils of two rubber producing areas: Iyanomo, Edo State and Akwete, Abia State were characterised and evaluated using local, Unit...
ABSTRACT In an attempt to address the insect pest menace in Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.), a study was conducted to document the major insect pests of Jatropha in Kenya and evaluate the bioactivity of aqueous T. vogelii and L. camara extracts against adult golden flea beetle (GFB). A stratified simple random sampling procedure was used to gather information on the major insect pests of Jatropha in Bondo and Kibwezi districts. In the laboratory and field studies, aqueous crude extracts, at fo...
ABSTRACT Food grain shortage in Kenya is attributed to low rainfall and poor distribution in maize growing areas particularly as well as low soil fertility associated mainly with nitrogen deficiency. Use of irrigation water and nitrogen fertilizer is likely to solve this food security challenge. This study was conducted over two seasons covering 2012 and 2013 with the aim of establishing optimal irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer rates for drought tolerant hybrid maize (Zea mays L.), DK8031,...
ABSTRACT Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a drought tolerant crop with a potential for industrial uses. Despite increase in demand for sorghum for industrial use, the local supply is low mainly due to to lack of high yielding sorghum genotypes. A number of genotypes with desirable properties for use in baking, malting and brewing have been identified however there is no information on the performance of these varieties in the agro-ecological zones traditionally used for sorghum product...
ABSTRACT Production of maize in Western Kenya is adversely affected by Striga hermonthica, a hemiparastic weed that produces numerous seeds that remain dormant in the soil for even more than 20years. These characteristics coupled with continuous cereal cropping have contributed to the high level of Striga seeds in the soil and the accompanying maize yield losses. Integrating legumes as intercrops is one way of reducing density of S. hermonthica in the soil and improving the livelihood of sub...