Abstract: Iroko gall bug, Phytolyma species is a major pest of Milicia excelsa which has hindered the establishment of Milicia plantations in many West African countries. To date, the genus Phytolyma consists of Phytolyma lata (Scot), Phytolyma fusca (Walker) Phytolyma minuta (Hollis) and Phytolyma tuberculata (Alibert). In Nigeria, there is no clear record of the Phytolyma spp found in the country. This has become a major concern due to irregularities in researchers’ report of species pre...
A forest is a large area of land covered with trees and bushes. It can also be defined as an area of land with high density of trees or a large expense of land covered with trees and a home for wild animals. All forests are either natural or artificial. The natural forest exists on their own while the artificial ones are established and managed by man. Forests cover about 30 percent of the earth’s surface and contain about 3 trillion trees. They exist in dry, wet, freezing cold, and scorchi...
ABSTRACT. The study examined the participation of rural women in exploitation of non-timber forest products (NTFPs), as a means of sustainable livelihoodinSouthwesternNigeria.A number of 320 respondents were interviewed through pre-tested structured interview schedule in the four purposively selected forest reserves using a multistage sampling procedure. Data collected were presented using appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics. The mean age and mean year of experience in NTFPs ex...