ABSTRACT Research on markets and marketing of some non-timber forest products (NTFPs) was carried out in selected locations of Osun State. The NTFPs considered are chewing sticks such as Massularia acuminata and bush meat like Thryonomys swinderianus, representing both the flora and fauna aspects of NTFPs, respectively. Five Local Government Areas were randomly selected, namely; Odo-otin, Boripe, Iwo, Irewole and Atakunmosa for the research purpose. A total of 300 questionnaires were administ...
Abstract: Transport of wood biomass is one of the key operations in forestry and in the wood industry. An important part is the transport of shredded wood, where the most common forms are chips and sawdust. The aim of the research was to present the variability of the total weight of trucks (gross vehicle weight, GVW), the weight of the empty trucks (tare), and loads of chips and sawdust in different periods of the year. Changes in specific parameters were analyzed: GVW; tare weight; trailer...
Abstract Geographic Information System (GIS) is a veritable tool for spatial analysis in forestry. The proximity to forest reserves has been considered one of the major factors affecting the spatial distribution of wood based industries. However, information on number of sawmills and spatial distribution of both the forest reserves and sawmill in Oyo Sate is lacking. Hence, this study employed GIS to develop spatial distribution map of forest reserves and sawmills in Oyo State, Nigeria. The ...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This study was conducted at the instance of the Honourable Commissioner, Ministry of Environment, Akwa Ibom State in realization of the need to assess the potentials of wildlife in the Stubbs-creek forest reserve of Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. The terms of reference included, but not limited to provision of information on status of fauna and flora in the forest reserve, bearing in mind the level of human interference that had occurred in the last one decade. Using a combinati...
The mean Moduli of Rupture and Elastiuty (NOR and MOE) measured for each of the 12 treatment combinations used in this experlment are summarised in Table 1, MOR values ranged from 4.23 to 11.92 N/ mm2 while MOE values ranged from 1950 to 4140 N/mmz. These range values, conform favourably to the range values of 3.28 to 10.46 N/mm2 (MOR) and 2200 ta 4010 N/ mm2 (MOE) reported by Badejo et al(2011). Furthermore, the mean MOR range values of 6.62 to 11.92 N/mmz obtalned for some of the boards com...
Abstract Tills study examined the public willingness 10 finance urban tree planting 111 Lagos metropolis. Nigeria and the associated factors capable of influencing the willingness. Descriptive statistics and Tobit model ~t 5% level of significance were used to analyse data obtained from multi-stage randomly sampled 873 Lagos metropolitan residents. The results revealed that 84% of the respondents were willing 10 contribute funds 10 Urban Tree Planting (UTP) in Lagos metropolis with 1>-I1000 b...
Abstract ' Wood samples of Ceiba pentandra, Antiaris toxicaria and Triplochiton scleroxylon were treated with new and spent engine oils using three treatments methods; brushing, soaking for 24 hours and soaking for 48 hours. The treated wood samples and control were exposed to Termite attack for 16 weeks using graveyard method. Visual assessment and percentage weight loss were employed to evaluate the effects of the preservative engine oil. Data collected were subjected to analysis of varianc...
ABSTRACT Despite availability and functioning of several newspapers in Nigeria, little or no change was observed in people’s attitude towards forestry related issues with attendant decline in the country’s forest resources. This paper reports the content analyses of forestry information reported by two prominent and national newspapers in Nigeria with the view to determining the frequency, space allotted, prominence and content categories of forestry related information in the newspapers ...
Introduction Urban Forestry and Green Economy Nexus Green economy has been defined by UNEP (2010) as an economy that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. In its simplest expression, a green economy is low-carbon, resource efficient, and socially inclusive. According to UNEP (2011), green cities are defined as cities that are environmentally friendly. Indicators measuring environmental friendliness o...
ABSTRACT IDepartment of Forest Resources Management, University of Ibadan, Oyo State: Nigeria 1Departmlnt of Forestry and wildlife, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria I A study was conducted to assess the stakeholders' participation in forest roads maintenance at the Ondo State Afforestation Project (OSAP) in Odigbo Local Government Area of On do State. Forest roads maintenance is a tool for sustainable forest management. Using simple random sampling method, respondents were selected...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the potential participation of Ibadan residents in the development of urban forestry initiative for environmental rehabilitation of the metropolis. Data were obtained from multi stage randomly sampled 397 residents within the five local government areas (LGAs) in Ibadan metropolis. The result revealed that 49% of the respondents claimed to have trees planted around their residences. Out of this, 83% believed that these trees provide shade for them for recreati...
The study investigated stem distributions and height-diameter relationships of two Irvingiaceae species in Oban Forest, Cross River State, Nigeria with a view to suggesting appropriate management strategies for their conservation in the area. Using systematic sampling technique, six 2km-transect was cut in each of the primary and secondary forests in the area. Four 50m×50m plots were laid alternately along each transect. Thus, twenty-four plots were used in each of the two forest types, maki...
The paper examines the adoption of agoforestry practices as a land use option in Atisbo Local Government Area of Oyo State. Data were generated from primary and secondary sources. The primary data were obtained from structured questionnaire and direct interview of farmers in the area, using purposive simple random sampling technique. Fifteen farmers were randomly sampled from each of the ten cells of Atisbo Farmers Association of Nigeria with 440 members. Data generated were analyzed...
Abstract Introduction Materials and method Study area Data collection Evaluation of physiological parameters Assessment of biomass Land area Leaf area Result and Discussion Conclusion Recommendation References
The tropical forests of Africa are experiencing unprecedented changes as a result of a rapid proliferation of roads and other infrastructure. These projects are dramatically increasing access to relatively unexploited regions, particularly in the greater Congo Basin. We highlight some of the most important new projects and describe in detail an ongoing debate about a particular proposed development, the Cross River Superhighway in Nigeria. The scale and pace of new transportation projects, an...