Plant Breeding Research Papers/Topics

Polyploidy Breeding of African Nightshade ( Solanum section Solanum )

Abstract/Overview The perception of African nightshades ( Solanum section Solanum ) as “healthy” foods, supported by documentation of their high nutri- tional and medicinal benefits, has led to a sudden and steady upsurge in their consumption, demand and monetary value in Africa and most parts of South-East Asia. However, due to very low leaf yields, production of these vegetables remains on small-scales, re sulting in acute shortages and escalating prices, especially in urban areas. ...

Restoration of Male Fertility in Seasonally Dependent Male Sterile Mutant Tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum cv. First

Abstract/Overview The effect of environmental conditions in the spring and autumn on the restoration of male fertility in T-4 male sterile mutant plants which were obtained via gamma (γ)-irradiation of tomato cv. First was investigated. Vegetatively propagated sterile plants gave rise to all male sterile plants in the spring, but the same T-4 plants cultivated under uncontrolled environmental conditions in autumn yielded fertile male. Self-pollination with these fertile males resulted in...