Abstract: Soil acidity is one of the major soil chemical constraints which limit crop productivity in the high rainfall regions of Ethiopia in general and in the study area in particular. In view of this, a field experiment was conducted at Negasa area in Guto Gida district on farmer’s field to study the effect of lime and vermicompost amendment on selected soil properties and yield and yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), grown during 2016 main cropping season. The factors st...
Abstract: Poor soil fertility is the major constraint affecting the productivity of malt barley in the highlands of Ethiopia. Malt barley responds well to growth limiting nutrients in the soil, especially nitrogen. A field experiment was conducted at Welmera District during 2017 cropping season to determine soil fertility status and the optimum nitrogen application rates for malt barley production without affecting grain quality. The treatments were a factorial combination of five N rates (0...
Abstract: Land use types and the associated managements are the main causes for decline of soil fertility and agricultural productivity. A study was conducted to investigate the selected soil physico-chemical properties under cultivated and grazing lands at Fincha Debsa Watershed. Two land use types (cultivated and grazing) representative for the watershed were selected. Soil samples were collected from (0-20 and 20-40 cm) from three sites of each land use which were adjacent to each other a...
Abstract: Bread wheat is an important food security and cash crop in Ethiopia, particularly in the Bale and Arsi highlands. However, the yield of the crop is constrained by poor soil fertility management practices. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted during the 2015 main cropping season at Selka Kebele of Sinana District in Bale zone of Oromia Regional State, southeastern Ethiopian with the objective of investigating the influence of biochar, farmyard manure, and mineral nitrogen fer...
Abstract: Tannery industry considered to be one of the polluting industries in case of water, soil and air due to the deferent types of chemicals used in transforming hide to leather. The study was conducted in order to determine the concentration of heavy metal of Chromium, Iron, Zink, Nickel, Manganese, Lead, Copper and Cadmium and particle size distribution of tannery solid waste and tannery dumping site soil. The sample was selected purposively and analyzed for the presence of heavy meta...
Abstract: Soil acidity is one of the main factors that limit agricultural productivity in many parts of the world. Study was conducted at Southwest showa Ameya District on acidic soils collected from dominant crop fields of the four selected kebeles in South Westshowa Zone, Ameya District to determine the status, and extents of acidity, and determination of lime requirements to neutralize the acidity effects. The selected kebeles were Gulti Bola, Bero Salen, Dire Aroji, and Kechema Jiran. Fi...
Abstract: Ensuring food security for the ever-increasing world population has direct relation with management of lands resources that are vital for crop production. Inadequate information on soil fertility status and poor management practices are among the main constraints to crop production in Ethiopia. Wheat is one of the most important cereal crops in Ethiopia. Yield of this crop is low mainly due to low soil fertility. In Ethiopia, Urea and DAP (di-ammonium phosphate) are the only fertil...
Abstract: Providing detailed up-to-date and site-specific soil information to the beneficiaries at watershed level is essential to solve local problems restricting agricultural production. Site-specific characterization and classification of soils that provide detailed information on soil properties are vital in designing appropriate management strategies for sustainable development in agriculture and natural resources management. The present study was carried out to characterize the soils f...
Abstract: Soil characterization and classification is an important tool for identifying the most appropriate use of land as well as for sustainable utilization of the precious soil resources. Field survey and soil laboratory analysis were carried out to characterize selected morphological and physicochemical properties and classify the soils in Adele subwatershed of east Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia. Three representative pedons were opened at three topographic positions (upper, middle, and lower)...
Abstract: Land degradation by soil erosion is a wide spread and serious phenomenon throughout the Ethiopian highlands causing significant loss of soil fertility, loss of productivity and environmental degradation. Thus, estimation of soil loss and identification of critical area for implementation of best management practice is central to success of a soil and water conservation program. This research has, therefore, been carried out to evaluate soil erosion risk in the study area so as to e...
Abstract: Soil acidity is one of the major yield-limiting factor for crop production worldwide, particularly on highly weathered and leached tropical soils. Different reports have indicated that there is significant soil acidity coverage in Ethiopia. Particularly, in the western part of the country, soil acidity is a well-known problem limiting crop production and productivity. As part of the solution to such problem in soils, combined application of lime and VC on maize has not been investi...
Abstract: Depletion of soil fertility due to soil erosion and nutrient mining farming system leads to decline in soil productivity and subsequently crop yields. This study was initiated to assess soil fertility status and to determine micronutrient concentration in the tissues of maize and sorghum grown at Daro Labu district, Eastern Ethiopia. Twelve maize and twelve sorghum growing fields from four peasant associations (PA) were selected purposively. Field survey was conducted to collect ge...
Abstract: In Ethiopia, including Haramaya district, low soil fertility remains a pressing concern, leading to reduced crop productivity due to nutrient depletion and inadequate use of agricultural inputs. Against this backdrop, a field experiment was conducted at Rare at Haramaya University to assess the effects of different rates of vermicompost application and cropping system on selected soil properties, yield, and yield components of maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) during...
Abstract: Soil fertility depletion is one of the major impediments to sustained agricultural productivity in Ethiopia. Soil fertility maintenance requires a balanced application of inorganic and organic nutrient sources. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of vermicompost (VC), nitrogen fertilizer and their interaction in improving soil fertility and increasing wheat productivity at Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, southeastern Ethiopia during the main cropping se...
Abstract: Understanding the effects of land use types and slope positions on soil physicochemical properties is an essential for sustainable soil management. Therefore, this study was initiated to assess selected physicochemical properties of the soils under different land uses and slope positions at Gola Wachu sub-watershed, east Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia. The study area was divided in to three topographic unit based on slope positions (upper, middle and lower) and selected soil physicochemic...