African Literature and Media Studies Research Papers/Topics

Evolutionary changes in thematic lyrics in songs with reference to the Akamba circumcision songs in Kenya

Abstract/Overview This study investigated changes of themes in Kamba circumcision songs with the aim of finding out the causes of these changes. The research was conducted at Nzyiitu, Kalimbui, Kaluilaa, Ngalange, Mwangea and Nzanzeni. The study was conducted in this area because the Kamba people living here still hold onto the practice of circumcision rites despite socialeconomic shifts in the ever changing society. The research was guided by the theory of ethnography of communication wh...

Taarab or Songs of Abuse?: Verbal Duels in East Africa in Muziki: Journal of Music Research in Africa

Abstract/Overview For long, it has been believed that song of abuse, as it has come to be called, is a preserve of west African communities. Early inroads into this oral subgenre were made by scholars who, more often than not, hailed from Ghana and Nigeria. A false impression of its locus was created to the effect that it was region-specific. This paper is an attempt to illustrate the pervasiveness of this verbal art, in disguised forms among the Swahili of East African. Drawing illustrat...