Counselling and Human Development Research Papers/Topics

The Extent to which Lay Readers in the Anglican Church are Equipped to Offer Counseling Services to their Congregation: A Case Study of Nairobi Diocese

Abstract: Observable trends indicate that a religious leader can make any adherent into what he or she wishes them to be; they can make them shave their hair, sell their property, stop seeking medical intervention, adopt a specific dressing code, eat or not eat certain foods, adopt beliefs that change their perceptions of life, and the list is endless. This research focused on the “power” to influence that these religious leaders could have in the form of counseling skills. The survey ai...

A Self-analysis of Digital Leadership Capabilities and Applications

Contents page Title page………………………………………………………………….….….1 Contents page…………………………………………………………..….……..2 Table List……………………………………………………………...............….3 Introduction……………………………………………………...………..4 Leadership Theories and Digital Leadership……………………….....….4 Analysis of Personal Dig...

Effect Of Climate Change On Agricultural Productivity In Kenya

ABSTRACT Climate change is a global phenomenon that has greater impacts on productivity through agricultural crop production, livestock production, energy and tourism. Countries all over the World have put adequate measures in place to combat or reduce its effects. This paper analyzed the effects of climate change on agricultural productivity in Kenya. The paper did answer two specific objectives; to determine the effect of climate change on crop production and to evaluate the effect of clima...

Diaspora Remittances And Economic Growth In Kenya

ABSTRACT Diaspora remittances have become an imperative source of capital flows for different countries worldwide. Even though developing countries such as Kenya do not have a significant share of this capital flow, diaspora remittances is noted to be useful in promoting household income, stimulating and enhancing investment and economic growth in the country. There are few studies that have focused on the nexus between diaspora remittances and economic growth. These studies however do not ca...

Psycho-Educational Group Therapy And Self-Components Training On Sexual Abstinence Among In-School Adolescents In Ondo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT   The consequences of early sexual debut such as sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS and unintended pregnancies have brought the study of adolescent sexual behaviour to the fore of sexuality research. Attempts have been made at understanding why adolescents engage in sexual activity at an early age. However, studies on the enhancement of sexual abstinence have been under-reported in Nigeria. This study, therefore, applied Psycho-educational Group Therapy (PGT) and Self-Compo...