Disaster Studies Research Papers/Topics

Human Factors Contributing to Accidents and Disasters in Road Transport of Petroleum Products in Kenya

Abstract Over the past few decades, Africa has witnessed enormous increase in the number of accidents take occur during road transport of petroleum products. Some of these accidents escalated into disasters because of release of products, with subsequent explosion and fire, resulting in several injuries and fatalities. With the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), the focus is on disaster risk reduction, rather than disaster response. This paper identifies human factors as a m...

Freshwater Aquaculture and Household Performance in Busia County, Kenya

Abstract Aquaculture has become a household source of proteins, taking over the traditional red meat delicacy that promotes food security and livelihood for over 2.5 billion people. This covers approximately 40 percent of the world’s fish production. As the population increases, the demand for fish increases owing to the current deficit. Therefore, the need for freshwater aquaculture is high to meet global demand. Busia County has benefited from internal and external support for household ...

Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Levels of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediments and Fish in Sosiani River

Abstract The objective of the study was to examine spatial and temporal levels of heavy metals in water, sediments and fish in Sosiani River. This study was an experimental design approach in which a scientific analysis was done involving sample collection, preparation and laboratory work to determine Pb, Cd and Cr concentrations in fish water and sediments. The main Sosiani river flows from the Keiyo escarpment at the far South East through Uasin Gishu plateau to Turbo which is in the North...

Indigenous knowledge factors influencing farmers' uptake of climate change adaptation strategies in Kajiado County, Kenya

Abstract Due to the effects of climate change, farmers in Kajiado County have embraced different climate change adaptation strategies including the use of indigenous knowledge (IK) and scientific approaches. The objective of this study was to assess the determinants of farmers' IK practices influencing the uptake of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies (CCAS) in Kajiado County, Kenya. Using the Model of Private Proactive Adaptation to Climate Change (MPPACC), IK-related contextual factors th...

Infilling Monthly Rain Gauge Data Gaps with Satellite Estimates for ASAL of Kenya

Abstract first_pagesettings Open AccessCase Report Infilling Monthly Rain Gauge Data Gaps with Satellite Estimates for ASAL of Kenya by William Githungo *,Silvery Otengi,Jacob Wakhungu andEdward Masibayi Department of Disaster Management & Sustainable Development, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 190, Kakamega 50100, Kenya * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Academic Editor: Luca Brocca Hydrology 2016, 3(4), 40; https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology3...

Effects of climate variability on maize yield in the arid and semi arid lands of lower eastern Kenya

Abstract Background Climate is a key input of rain-fed agriculture. Climate variability and change has been the most important determinant of crop yields in Kenya and other parts of the world. However, there has been not much research on local understanding of the effect of climate variability on maize yields in Arid and Semi arid Lands (ASALs) of lower eastern Kenya counties. The effect of three climatic parameters on maize yields on different temporal and spatial scales was evaluated in or...