ABSTRACT Food security is the first of the eight Millennium Development Goals, which seeks to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by the year 2015. Despite Kakamega Central District having so many SHGs, studies have shown that food insecurity was on the rise. The study examined the contribution of SHGs to household food security by comparing the food security status between members and non members of SHGs. A survey was carried out to establish the factors that enhance the effectiveness of S...
ABSTRACT Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are not simply a health issue but a substantial threat to security and socioeconomic development, imposing a heavy burden on families, communities, economies and governments. HIV and AIDS affect people mainly in their prime ages, between 15 and 49 years. The majority of the Kenya Police are under 45 years and falls in the most sexually active years. In Kenya, 75% of all Police deaths in 1999 were attrib...
ABSTRACT Mining is an economic activity that has been practiced for time immemorial. Land degradation from old mines operations is known in almost all the countries but they have been few systematic surveys to quantify the nature of associated problems so as to prioritize remediation action. There is knowledge in the techniques of rehabilitating both operational and abandoned sites yet there is still delay in remediation action. The enforcement of the Environmental Management and Co-ordinatio...