Environmental Security and Livelihood Change Research Papers/Topics

Estimating Enteric Methane Emissions From Smallholder Dairy Cows Under Seasonal And Agro-Ecological Variations In Feed Digestibility In Kenya

ABSTRACT In Sub-Saharan Africa, national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories are computed with non-country specific Emission Factors (EF) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier I approach. An alternative is Tier II or Tier III approach, which is country-specific using detailed animal performance and feed characteristics data and more accurate EF for developing Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS).This study sought ...

Factors Influencing Loss Of Household Incomes Due To Livestock Diseases In Selected Sites Of Kyuso Sub County, Kitui County

ABSTRACT A cross sectional study was conducted in Kyuso Sub County to determine factors influencing household incomes. The broad objective of the study was to determine the factors that influence household income losses due to livestock diseases and document common and prevalent livestock diseases. The study used descriptive and inferential data collection and analysis methods. The data was collected through primary and secondary data methods. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered ...

Solid Waste Management In The Wa Municipality: Challenges And Options

ABSTRACT The situation of waste management in emerging cities of developing countries is challenging. This study was undertaken to establish the underpinning causes of poor waste management in the Wa Municipality and to suggest options to deal with the challenges. The study adopted a descriptive research design through the use of questionnaire surveys; and in-depth interviews. The study reveals that residents have been dumping waste improperly and indiscriminately within the study area. Also...