History & Archeology Research Papers/Topics

Age of the oldest known Homo sapiens from eastern Africa

Abstract: Efforts to date the oldest modern human fossils in eastern Africa, from Omo-Kibish1,2,3 and Herto4,5 in Ethiopia, have drawn on a variety of chronometric evidence, including 40Ar/39Ar ages of stratigraphically associated tuffs. The ages that are generally reported for these fossils are around 197 thousand years (kyr) for the Kibish Omo I3,6,7, and around 160–155 kyr for the Herto hominins5,8. However, the stratigraphic relationships and tephra correlations that underpin these...

The Mystery of Yam

It  locates the place of Yam in Nigeria Society in general and Igbo society in particular. It shows the stages of human development from early time and how these stages evolved with change in human environment. Finally it dealt on state formation which is the super structure of the base.