ABSTRACT Community-Based Ecotourism (CBE) has been popularised as an effective tool for integrating economic development and conservation. Many developing countries including Ghana have adopted this tool to aid in their developmental efforts. This thesis sets out to evaluate the Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary, a CBE project in the Hohoe Municipality in Ghana, within the context of the social exchange process model. The study adopted a cross sectional study design. Data was obtained from 317 resi...
ABSTRACT The environment has since time immemorial been useful to human beings. However, demands of development have put a great deal of pressure on the environment to the point that it is undergoing rapid transformation which conservationists consider an unpleasant phenomenon to human beings. The estab,lishrnent of protected areas (PAs) became, and is, in fact, stiU an important global pmctical conservation tool. PAs exclude livelihood activities because they are incompatible with the conser...
The researcher wrote this research paper to put the focus on "Panini Tapobhumi" of Arghakhanchi district as a beautiful tourism destination and the need for creating Panini Tapobhumi, a cultural, historical and educational tourism hub. This research paper attempts to dig dive into the history of Panini Tapobhumi, ask for visitors, local people’s and other stake holders opinion on various tourism aspect related to the place itself. This research paper also focuses on the current tourism tren...
BSTRACT Despite the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in hotels’ service delivery and its implications on service efficiency and customer satisfaction, limited number of studies exist in the context of Ghana on ICTs adoption and utilization among hotels. This study examined how hotels in the Kumasi Metropolis adopt and use ICTs in service delivery. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were adopted for the study. Survey data was collected from 174 hotel employee...
ABSTRACT This study assesses the role of tour operators in Ghana’s tourism development. The mixed method approach was employed to collect data. The sampling technique applied was a census covering as many tour operators as were available. The survey instruments used were both questionnaires which were self-administered and in-depth interview to supplement the data obtained from the questionnaire administration. Statistical techniques employed were frequency tables, cross tabulation, the t...
ABSTRACT In Ghana, as in most countries in the world, there are legal frameworks, institutions and agencies at every level of government for food safety management. In spite of these regulatory structure, Cape Coast in the Central Region continues to grapple with foodborne related diseases, thus being identified as a hotspot area among Greater Accra, Ashanti, Eastern and Western regions of Ghana for foodborne related outbreaks. The Metropolis appears to experience foodborne related issues s...
ABSTRACT The role of tourism in rural livelihood enhancement continues to be a subject of debate among academia and practitioners. This study delves into this debate by assessing the experiences of residents who have adopted tourism as livelihood strategy in Wli, Ghana within the context of the sustainable livelihood approach. A case study design with a qualitative approach was adopted for the study. Data was obtained from 38 study participants between November and December 2016. Twenty-sev...
ABSTRACT Meal experience forms an integral part of the growth and development of restaurants. The main objective of the study was to examine the effect of meal experience on customers‟ post-purchase behavioural intentions to grade three restaurants in Sekondi-Takoradi. Three models from Kivela et al. (1999), Kleynhans (2003) and Ryu and Han (2010) provided the theoretical bases for the study. A non-experimental design (explanatory) underpinned by the positivist approach (quantitative) was...
ABSTRACT Persons with disability (PWDs) have been excluded from various activities including tourism due to the inability to provide facilities that meet their needs. Yet, Ghana’s Disability Act of 2006 orders the involvement of PWDs in social, political, economic, creative or recreational activities. The main objective was to examine the accessibility of tourism facilities to PWDs in the Accra Metropolis, focusing on the physically challenged, visually and the hearing/speech impaired. Th...
ABSTRACT There has been a tremendous increase in student enrolment on hospitality management programmes in recent years. However, industry practitioners consistently complain about shortage of skilled staff in the hospitality industry. This study sought to examine factors that influence undergraduate hospitality students‘ choice of careers in the hospitality industry in Ghana. The study was informed by the social cognitive learning theory, social cognitive career theory and self-theories,...
ABSTRACT The leisure and tourism indllstry is one of the leading global econOOllC act!'itit.'s. .- mul(i-billion~dollar indusrrv. with 700 million imematlOnal tr~('eJlers pcI' yc:ar around the ,"'orld. tourism has become an avenue for employment Jnd income crealion. especially in poor countries. As an industry, there is di"ision of labour by gender at all levels of the travel and tourism sectors. Vomen are the IllOSt employed. yet rhey have the least dignified positions in the industr.) The s...
ABSTRACT This study assesses the role of tour operators in Ghana’s tourism development. The mixed method approach was employed to collect data. The sampling technique applied was a census covering as many tour operators as were available. The survey instruments used were both questionnaires which were self-administered and in-depth interview to supplement the data obtained from the questionnaire administration. Statistical techniques employed were frequency tables, cross tabulation, the t-t...
ABSTRACT The study used a modified systems framework for analysing the role of stakeholders in tourism promotion, to explore and analyse the level of collaboration and coordination between the private and public stakeholders in domestic tourism promotion in a Ghanaian setting. Primary data were collected through a destination survey of four popular tourist attractions in the Kumasi metropolis, namely: the Kumasi Zoo, the Manhyia Palace, the Kumasi fort/Military Museum and the Centre for Natio...
ABSTRACT This work examined the dietary needs of adolescents who are boardersin a second cycle institutions in the Kumasi Metropolis. The specific objectives were to: outline the types of meals taken in the dining hall of the institutions; identify factors that determine the provision of adequate meals in the boarding institutions; and assess the perceptions of the students towards the meals taken at the dining hall of Opoku Ware Senior High School. The study employed mixed methods and used q...
ABSTRACT The study was students’ motivation and preference for home economics subjects in Senior High Schools in Ashanti Region, Ghana. The target population was the second and third year Senior High School students in three selected schools in the Ashanti Region, their teachers were sampled for the study. In all, 3 teachers, and 86 students, were engaged in the study. The researcher used both questionnaire and interviews as the main instruments for data collection. The data collected were ...