ABSTRACT Volunteer tourism discourse seems to have a disproportionate emphasis on the guest at the expense of the host. This trend seems to be replicated in the Ghanaian studies although it is well understood that without host support, tourism cannot be sustainable. Thus, this inquiry sought to examine the hostguest relationship from the lens of the host, mainly from the relatively unexplored dimensions of language, power and reciprocity. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were ...
ABSTRACT 1 i I :] I The study reviewed two models namely the mainstream and pro-poor tourism II models including the three pathways of benefits from tourism to the poor model and some elements ofthese two were used to adapt the Sustainable Livelihood Framework. Eight hotels which had restaurant facilities were purposively chosen for the study whilst three communities with attractions in the study area were also selected. A sample size of 192 respondents was obtained for the communities. Other...
ABSTRACT Tourism which has been described by some tourism scholars as multifaceted industry, generating huge revenue for various governments may impact positively or negatively on socio-cultural, economic and environmental segments of local tourism communities or destinations. The study assessed local residents` perception of tourism impact on socio-cultural and economic activities and the environment in communities surrounding Ankasa Conservation Area. Though, there are many factors which in...
ABSTRACT Literature has proved that the sustainability of a country‘s tourism industry is based on domestic tourism as against international tourism which is sensitive to political instability, natural disasters and diseases. The objective of the study was to examine the characteristics and the motivations of domestic tourists to Nzulezo. The methodology employed for the study includes the quantitative method of data collection which is based on the positivist research paradigm. Questionnai...
ABSTRACT Ensuring the safety of tourists has become an indispensable element in a destination’s offering in order to ensure the maximum receipt from the tourism industry. This is because safety issues in these times highly influence tourists’ choice of a destination. This thesis assesses inbound tourists’ perception of safety at Mole Enclave in the Northern Region of Ghana. The Cultural Theory of Risk was used to analyse the perception of safety of inbound tourist. With the use of acc...
ABSTRACT Heritage assets need to be identified, catalogued and conserved for posterity. If not preserved, some assets tend to be at risk of disappearing. The study so~ght to identify and document heritage assets in Cape Coast. Structured observation and survey questionnaire were used to solicit information on the study. A total of 140 heads of household or their representatives were used for the survey from January to August, 2007. Seventy four (74) heritage assets were identified and these ...
ABSTRACT PANAFEST is an emerging special event of international repute in Ghana. The festival' which was first held in 1992, seeks to among others, unite peoples of African descent across the world to enhance the development of the continent by establishing the truth of the history of the African. It can also be seen as a tool for accelerating tourism development in Ghana as it exposes participants to the various tourist attractions and sites in the country. The study sought to find out inte...
ABSTRACT Tourism development in Ghana has undoubtedly moved to a key point in government policy. The district assemblies have equally been allocating resources to develop such potentials in their areas. However there seems to be no direction from most of the Regional Co-ordination Councils and hence the various assemblies are implementing programmes they think are right in their own estimations with no regional outlook. This study focuses on the Akatsi district which was the first to launch a...
ABSTRACT Much work has been carried out on food safety in Ghana, however it appears that a problem still exists considering the increasing number of reported food borne cases to health centers (Cape Coast District Community Health Centre (CCDCHC). In spite of work that has been carried out on the subject, the reasons for non compliance with food safety measures have not been investigated. This study therefore sought to examine why caterers fail to comply with regulations and to determine the ...
ABSTRACT The importance of hotels as central in the development of tourism cannot be underestimated - because they serve as the home base of the tourist (Fridgen, 1991) and also contribute to about 30 percent of the tourist's budget (Lundgren, 1973). This study investigates the causes of low patronage of hotels in the region. The survey covered a sample of 135 guests in 18 hotels and 18 hoteliers or their representatives. Descriptive as well as inferential statistics including the muIticriter...
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study would not have been conceived at all, but for the bounteous and undeserved blessings ofthe Almighty God. Several people co-operated and assisted in getting the work completed. Among others, I am particularly indebted to my supervisors, Professor P.K. Acheampong and Dr. Oheneba Akyeampong, without whose guidance the work would not have assumed this shape; their useful criticisms and suggestions bear testimony to their brilliant scholarship and rich experience, acqui...
ABSTRACT The role of tourism in rural livelihood enhancement continues to be a subject of debate among academia and practitioners. This study delves into this debate by assessing the experiences of residents who have adopted tourism as livelihood strategy in Wli, Ghana within the context of the sustainable livelihood approach. A case study design with a qualitative approach was adopted for the study. Data was obtained from 38 study participants between November and December 2016. Twenty-seven...
ABSTRACT The disabled constitute 10% of the total population of the Central Region. Since the introduction of tourism in the region, only a few of them tlllve participated fully in the industry. In the Cape Coast municipality, for instance, apart from traditional dances and cultural performances that are put up at the castle and at durbar grounds by the deaf, little is heard of the disabled in the town. Using data from a survey involving 145 respondents some disabled and others without disabi...
ABSTRACT Female employees in the hotel industry are sometimes unable to compete with their male counterparts on an equal level due to several visible and invisible barriers and challenges such as the demands of marriage and motherhood, gender and sex discrimination, sexual harassment among others. In Ghana very little is known about the problems females face in the hotel industry and how these create challenges ...