ABSTRACT The research sought to assess the housing provision in third world cities using the case study of Bulawayo City Council. The study assessed the housing challenges in line with the requirements of the sustainable development Goal (SDG) Goal 11 which calls for cities to be inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The imbalance between housing demand and housing supply in urban Bulawayo was identified as the statement of the problem. The purpose of the study was to investigate the fa...
Abstract This research was an analysis of gender imbalances in political representation in Zimbabwe in the context of Gweru Urban Constituency since 1980-2013. A review of the causes and factors that militates against women political representation was discussed. Also the reasons why women should be politically represented and the legal and structural policies promoting women political representation was also discuss. Theories were the support base of the thesis. Both qualitative and quantita...
ABSTRACT The relationship that exists between a surviving HIV positive spouse and their significant other has an impact on the well being and nature of life style the surviving spouses will led. A supportive relationship empowers surviving spouses to lead a positive and full life surrounded by loved ones. The study sought to explore of the nature of relationship that exists between the surviving HIV positive spouses and their significant others at Gaths Mine in Masvingo Province The surviving...
ABSTRACT This research was an investigation into the influence of factionalism to political economics. The study was naturally focused on factional tendencies within ZANU-PF and the consequences to Zimbabwe’s political economy from 2013 to 2017. In this case, this study automatically adopted a qualitative research methodology due to its confidential nature and pre-requisition to directly interact with society and the components under investigation. The study employed a two-dimensional sampl...
ABSTRACT This research put its focus on the effects of development induced displacement. It however narrowed down the research to the socio-economic effects that arise due to Development Induced Displacement (DID). Of note is that the document was mainly focusing on involuntary displacement. The research took a case study of Porta Farm. Porta farm is a council owned farm that is just about 20km south of the Harare CBD. Porta Farm was created to be a temporary holding for the people who were t...
ABSTRACT Buruli ulcer remains one of the most devastating but at the same time neglected diseases humans have encountered in the recent centuries since it was discovered. The disease threatens the whole country with a national prevalence rate of 20.7 per 100,000. The inadequate appreciation of the socio-cultural context of the disease, which is directly linked to the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of the people as far as the disease is concerned, is a matter that calls for attention. Th...
ABSTRACT The main objective of this research is to find out the organisational culture that exist at Ghana Education Service (GES) Head Office and to determine if this culture has any relationship with the organisation’s performance. The study is also targeted at getting feedback from respondents on the way forward for the organisation in the area of study. This study looked at performance in eleven areas including the organisation’s mission, ethics and accountability, leadership and mana...